7:55 AM

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No one has ever treated me like this.
It's a good thing.
No one has ever held my face so tenderly and told me it would be okay. I could write a million words, but none would properly encapsulate the love I feel for this family. The love I feel for him.
I want to spend my life with him.

I want to do right by him.
I want to be there when he needs me, holding his hand and uttering the same reassurance given previously to me. I want to buy him things that make him feel valued and adored. I want to love him and his animals and his family and his passions.

I'm not sure about many things in this life.
I'm sure about this one.
I love him. Madly.

I feel safe with him.
I would sacrifice all of the stars in the sky just to hear his little quips and see the way his face scrunches when I touch it. The way his eyes shine when he talks about the animals. About the place he grew up in.

I'm a lovesick hound.

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