CHAPTER 4: The day we said I LOVE YOU

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"Oh! She actually kissed me! What could this mean? My oh my! Laura!"


~ "Uh, Victor? Hey! Are you okay?"

~ "Laura, tell me, why did you kiss me?"

~ "Ah, it's just .... ah .... just .... you know .... I kinda like you Victor .... There I said it. I like you."

 Man! I'm speechless! So, this is how it feels like, huh? Oh my! Laura likes me! Gah! Should I tell her that I also like her? But if I tell her, wouldn't it be so awkward? ... If I tell it to her now, will our friendship be ruined? But she likes me. It would probably just be fine if I tell her. Oh! Someone please tell me what to do. It's my first time to be in this kind of situation. Phew!

~ "Victor? I'm sorry, okay? Maybe this isn't the right time for this ... It's just ... it's how I feel about you. Since yesterday, I've already liked you. If you're gonna ask me why, it's because of your character ... your humor ... your appeal ... you! Simply you, Victor. I like you. And I think, I love you."

~ "Is this true Laura? You know, I appreciate it, I appreciate you. Truth is, I like you too .. I love you too."

 ~ "Really? You love me too?! Oh Victor! Thank you! That's more than enough (hugs me)!"


 Ah! This feeling! So amazing! Imagine, I never thought of this even once. But now, Laura is in my arms. It's just our second day together, but, I really can't believe it! We actually said 'I love you' to each other. HaH!

I didn't let go of her for quite a while. I hugged her too like there's no tomorrow. I touched her face ... felt the moment ... looked in her eyes as if I was telling her to kiss me. I don't want this to end. It sure feels good .. it feels amazing! The girl of my dreams is now in my arms.

~ "I love you Laura. I love you - I really do. Would you be mine forever?"

~ "Oh Victor. How sweet of you. I love you too - that's not a lie. I'm yours, and I hope you'll be mine too."

~ "I'm yours - forever yours Laura." ❤




Ah! That bell! You kill joy! Oh well, it's time for class.



~ "Hey Victor! Are you okay? Hey buddy! Talk to me!"

~ "Oh I'm sorry Roy ... Yes, I'm okay buddy. It's just ... just ... ah ... you won't believe me if I tell you."

~ "Oh c'mon Victor. Try me."

~ "Alright then, it's Laura."

~ "Oh! Laura, huh? The pretty girl yesterday? She was with some Alice girl, right? So, what about her?"

~ "We said I love you to each other. I know it sounds funny 'cause, it's only a couple of days since we met. But, it really happened. Believe me, even I didn't expect it. We just did! That's it."

~ "Buddy, are you on drugs or something? It's very funny. Don't kid with me."

~ "But Roy, I'm telling you the truth. Why would I lie to you? You're my best friend, remember?"

~ "Oh yeah I'm your best friend. Well Victor if it is true, I'm happy for you. You've got yourself a beautiful princess. Take care of her, okay? Or else ..."

~ "Or else what?"

~ "I'm gonna take her from you ... Nah! HaHa! Just kidding Victor!"

~ "HaH! Bad joke buddy. HaHa! Thanks anyways."



Several weeks have passed ......

But Laura and I are still friends though we said 'I love you' to each other. We're not yet into any relationship - not yet there, but going there perhaps ....



And lately, I have been observing Roy. He's not acting like himself. There must be something wrong with him ...

What could it be? I sure feel a little nervous here ....

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