CHAPTER 3: With her

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"This must be love I'm feeling right now." 


~ "Victor! For the second time! The school bus is about to arrive! Wake up!"

Oh shoot! Granny yelled at me again.

I must have been really tired yesterday - you know, first day of classes. So far, my first day as a freshman was more than awesome! Do you know what made me happy? Well, aside from the subjects I'm currently taking up for my course, yesterday was the day I've met a new friend - Roy. He definitely would be my buddy until the day we graduate college. He's really kind and I really am comfortable with him. You're aware of this, aren't you? I believe I already told you about it.

And oh! I know that you know another reason for my happiness, don't you?

If it is Laura you're thinking, you got it right!

Oh that beautiful face! That cute voice! That ... that ... that .........

~ "VICTOR! Wake up and stop dreaming! The school bus is about to arrive!"

Oh no! I'm already dreaming! HaH!



~ "PeeeeP!"

Here comes the school bus again.


~ "Howdy! It's the second day of school huh? Hop in!"

Danny the school bus driver never fails to put a smile on my face. I'm sure you know why, don't you?

But as usual, I'm here at the very last seat; watching them laugh together while I remain silent at all cost. Ahhhh ....  I'm just waiting for Roy to hop in and I would surely be delighted.

Am I gonna be like this forever in this bus? When will the time come for me to be accepted by them? It really is difficult but anyways, I know I can do this.


~ "Victor! Good morning! How's everything?"

Oh thank goodness Roy is already here ....

~ "Well you know Roy, I'm feeling very strange in this bus. They don't care for me at all. I'm not gonna harm them. I just wanna be friends with them."

~ "I understand you Victor. Don't mind them, okay? As long as I'm here, you'll be alright."

~ "Thank you very much Roy. You're the best!"

~ "You're welcome buddy."


So, we finally reached the university. As usual, the nerds are all around.

But, I really don't care about them. Roy is with me anyways.

~ "Uh Victor, may you excuse me for a while? I just need to go to the dean's office to settle something. It may take a long time if you will wait for me."

~ "That's okay with me Roy. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Take your time. See you later!"

So, Roy went off to the dean's office. I wonder wha's that  'something' he's telling me. Anyways, I'm just gonna ask him later.

Oh! Where could Laura and Alice be? I'm excited to see the girl of my dreams for the second time. HaH! This feeling .... so wonderful .... so amazing .... ahhhhh ....

Laura ... Laura ... Laura ..........


~ "Victor? Hey! Are you alright?"

Oh! It's Laura!

~ "How long have you been there? Have you been watching me?"

Oh no! Laura must have been watching me since then. Of all the time, why daydream now? GaH!

~ "Oh Victor (giggles). I think you were daydreaming! What were you thinking of?"


Oh Laura. How I wish I could tell you. But I guess, if I tell it to you now, our friendship will just be put into waste. I don't wanna ruin it. Let's just remain friends for now. The important thing is, I love you and that's all I know. ❤


~ "Hey Victor (giggles)! You're doing it again. Oh c'mon, let's have a seat for a while. The bell hasn't rung yet. So, let's talk."

~ "Oh I'm so sorry Laura. Pardon my silly acts, would yah?"

~ "Of course (giggles)!"

Ah ... she's so sweet!

~ "So Victor, tell me about yourself."

~ "What? But, I already told you yesterday. You were with Alice then and I was with Roy - during our lunch, remember?"

~"Well, I believe so. But, let me ask you this question ..... if you don't mind."

Oh! What could her question be? I'm feeling a bit nervous.

~ "Okay. Go ahead." I said.

~ "Uh, Victor, have you ever had a relationship with someone - I mean, a girlfriend?"

~ "HUH? What's with that question Laura?"

Oh man! I think I'm blushing! It feels so awkward!

~ "Uh, it's just, I would wanna know (bows her head) ... So, what? Did you?" she said.

~ "Don't laugh at me okay? The truth is, all my life, I never had a girlfriend even once."

~ "What (shocked)?! But why? You must be kidding me Victor."

~ "No! I'm not kidding you Laura. It's just ... you know ... I don't have time for such things ... I mean, I think I'm too young for it ... uh ... that ... uh ... I'm not ready yet ... you ... you ... got it Laura?"

~ "Oh Victor. You're such a good boy. I like that attitude (laughs)."

~ "Really? You mean it Laura?"

~ "Of course I do Victor! I am the type of girl who never lies (smiles at me)."

AHHHH!! She's so KIND! So SWEET! Oh Laura, tell me you like me too! - as if it's gonna happen. HaHa! But, who knows? Maybe one day ... it would be. Yie!


But all of a sudden ..........

She wrapped her arms around me and ..........


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