PROLOGUE: A life you won't understand

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  • Dedicated to Myself

"Behind those smiles is a life that you won't understand."

This has been my expression ever since the day I realized that I am already growing up. My life as a child was never easy. Well I guess, I'm not the only one who feels this way, right? Oh those memories! I don't want them back. I want to forget them. However, they keep on haunting me everytime I feel sad.


Oh by the way, the name's Victor. I'm 17 and I'm in college now; a freshman by the way. Unlike any other boys, I'm not into sports. Really, NOT AT ALL. I actually hate basketball! It brought me a lot of bad memories. I will never forget how that ball hit my head back when I was in highschool. Ughh! It really hurts! All of them laughed at me! Even our coach did! I was so embarrassed. I felt so stupid! Oh! Forget it.

You might probably ask something about my family. Well, to be honest with you, they're not okay - I mean, my parents are separated for such senseless reasons. They're not divorced though. But it sure affects me much even though it's not that obvious.

All my life, I never felt so much joy with my family. My mom and dad, they would always fight, slam every door at home and shout at one another like nobody hears them. Our house is a clear depiction of a broken family - broken vows and a broken home. Sad isn't it?

It hurts everytime I see them fight. 

~ "Hello? Your son is watching you. Please! Would you mind?"

My mom, she would always cry at night. I can't sleep everytime she cries. How I wish I could carry all her burdens. But I guess, even I won't be able to handle them.

I always dream of a perfect family. Well, who's not? Envy is all I feel everytime I see a complete family. How I wish they're okay with each other. But I guess, nothing can heal the pain that my dad gave mom. If not because of that woman, they could have been a perfect couple. Our house could have been a better home. I could have been the happiest son on earth.


"You bastard! How could you do this to me?!"

That's my mom when dad cheated on her. That day was really bad. Everything we used to do - eating together, sleeping together, watching movies, going to malls; all of them vanished just because of that woman!

~ "How am I going to be without my mom?"

Because of what happened, my mom left us. She's now happy with some other guy. Me? I'm not happy. Well, I stayed with dad. I don't want to leave him too. But because of that same annoying woman, he gave me to my granny (his mom).


 ~ "I'll take care of you Victor. Don't worry, granny's here for you."

Granny's the best. She's my mother now and she's all I have. Everytime I feel sad, she's there to comfort me. I really love her. No one could ever replace her in my heart.


After three years, after all the pains I've been through, I finally graduated highschool. And hey! I am the valedictorian of our batch! Those people who laughed at me when that ball hit me back then, HaH! - the'yre all drooling for all the medals I received.

And as expected, only my granny would be arround with me. 


~ "How I wish mom and dad were there with granny and I."

~ "How I wish they were there upon receiving my diploma."

~ "How I wish it was them whom I hugged and kissed."

~ "How I wish .. but it never happened."

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