Chapter 6

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(Canada's pov)

I start looking around for Ame as she wasn't in her room when I went to wake her up. I'm in a very big panic as she's human and I don't want her hurt.

"Matthew! Calm down some!" Francis yelled at me as he grabbed hold of me to calm me down.

"How can I? Amelia is human and she gets hurt easily! What if something happens to her!?" I asked him, panicked still. We reached Mathias's room to ask if he saw her at all.

Bursting through the door I see Mathias, Gilbert and Amelia in a cuddle pile on Mathias's bed. Mathias and Gilbert are hugging the American woman on each side like children while Amelia rested peacefully on the bed. Mathias looked to be using Amelia's chest as a pillow while Gilbert used her shoulder. It was quite unusual to see the nations be shorter than a normal human but it is entertaining to see.

I walk over to them all and shake Ameila awake. She groans and stares at me confused and annoyed.

(America's pov)

I could feel the light shaking on my body to wake me up from my sleep, I wanted to ignore it but I know I couldn't. Looking at the person who dared to awake me from my slumber I see Mattie there.

I slowly get up only to realize I'm trapped since Mathias used me as a pillow and his arms are wrapped around my waist and Gilbert's doing the same thing that Mathias is so I'm trapped.

I start trying to shake Mathias awake but he doesn't budge, I do the same to Gilbert and he slowly wakes up. Staring down at him he finally wakes up all the way and let's go of me. He rolls off the bed and onto the floor making a plop sound that awoke Mathias for me.

He still clung to me as I sat up right on the bed but he let me do so.

"Yea?" I ask Mattie with a yawn.

"Breakfast is ready." He says to me with a soft smile, I could hear the relief in his voice.

"Alright, also, stop worrying about me. I worked in the military, remember?" I ask him as I get up from the bed, finally prompting Mathias to let go of me.

I notice Francis and give him a small wave before leaving the room to my own to change and take a shower since I smelled like shit after sleeping in someone else's room.

Getting to my room I enter and I immediately grab my clothes and turn on the shower. I get in and do everything I need to before drying off and putting the clothes I grabbed on. It was a plain black hoodie that had the words 'My pronouns are USA' in white except for the USA part that was my flag and there was an eagle on the back and I wore light blue colored jeans that had rips in them with a black belt with rhinestones that had chains dangling from it.

I stared at myself in the mirror before shoving my sunglasses onto my face and leaving the bathroom and then my room to the dinning hall. Once arriving I grab a plate of food and set down at the table and start eating.

"The gala is tomorrow. Do you have a dress?" Mattie asked as he sat down next to me.

"Yea, don't worry. I'm not an idiot." I respond, he starts chuckling and I do as well.

I started munching down on the food in front of me.

Ivan sits down across from me, I'm surprised he's there but his siblings sit down near him as well. Now what's planned for today? I forced the others to play truth or dare and then allowed them questions which turned into me, Mathias and Gilbert meeting in his room for video games.

I didn't even realize everyone got up and left until Mattie tapped my shoulder to get my attention. I looked over at him before standing up and taking my plate into the kitchen for the maids. I then left and followed Mattie as he led me to my room.

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