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(America's pov)

You know how this starts by now, right? Well, if you don't. I smacked my alarm to shut it off. Once I did so, I broke it and decided on not fixing it.

I rubbed the sleepiness from my eyes and got 9ut of bed, I grabbed a change of clothes, walked into the bathroom, closed the door, turned the light on, set the clothes down, and turned the shower on.

I cleaned myself, dressed, and put the nightgown I slept in into the hamper before leaving the bathroom and turning the light off in the process.

I glanced at my broken alarm clock before I walked over to it and grabbed my phone from the same night stand, I looked over at Lectwist who was still very much so asleep.

I do wake up at 4-5AM daily, so it's understandable.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my wet hair before leaving the room. I walked up the stairs to the fourth floor and into my and Lectia's office. I sat at my desk and started on my paperwork, signing it with the official thing which would be my nation title. I continued this for a small amount of time.

You caught the lie?

Yea, wasn't small. I missed breakfast and lunch because of paperwork. I let out a sigh of relief when I finished the last document, I then grumbled and pulled up my emails. I grabbed my laptop as I went through them.

I left the office and closed my laptop, deciding on doing the emails in the living room. Once I reached it, I sat down on the couch and started reading them.

President, spam delete, notifications for fanfic sites delete, notifications for music apps delete, United Nations delet- WAIT WHAT!?

"WHAT!?" I yelled as I clicked on the email from THE UN. I quickly started reading through it.

To the Personification of The United States of America,

I have sent this email to inform you of the upcoming nation meeting. You are required to attend this meeting as you never have from what I have found on the file for you. Said file is empty, I will need any and all information on you so I can fill it out.


The Personification of The United Nations

I reread it over and over again.


This isn't good. I really don't like this at all.

To be fair, I did attend the meetings, just not as The Personification of The United States just some sort of official for it. I also always changed my human form and used that as my way of getting the information out of the meetings. Plus, I had the Russian Empire during his time alive and then my son. I don't know much of anything after my son's death but it doesn't matter as I used myself as a representative for the United States.

Then again, they don't know that. Just the fact that American representatives went through the Russian nations up until the fall of the USSR and then the representatives stopped that.

I wonder what their reactions were when The USSR handed in papers from an American representative for the nation during the cold war. Gods. That would've been funny to see.

Ooooo. I can ask him!

"Soviet!" I called for him and he materialized in front of me.

"Yes mother?" He asked me.

"What was the nations reactions when you still handed in the American representative papers during the cold war?" I asked him.

"Why don't I just show you?" He asked me with a grin.

I regret teaching him magic now. Welp, too bad.

He touched my forehead and pulled me into a memory of his, I stood off to the side in a ghostly appearance as I stared at USSR who sat at his seat, which was RE's seat during the meetings.

The UN was there and I finally got a good look of him, then again, it was in 1945 and up, so he had on a suit from then. Which, he does look quite nice.


Anywho, I looked around and spotted all of the nations from then. I looked over at a calender and it is 1949, two years after the start of the Cold war. I grimaced at that but decided on standing behind USSR who didn't move.

He looked to be contemplating something so I did the rude thing, I tapped his forehead with my finger and opened his thoughts for me.

Looks like he ain't happy with me for the Cold war. Whoops.

I pulled out of his thoughts and he looked very puzzled before his eyes landed on the spot I stood at behind him. I put a finger to my lips and he just smirked slightly. I also noted the fact the dead nations from WW2 were here as well.


I waited patiently for what I wanted to see and when the rest of the nations arrived, USSR stood up and handed my papers to UN. I grinned at that. I looked around the room and saw the shocked, and confused, nations before snickering slightly.

When USSR took the memory away from me I burst into laughter.

"Ahhhh, that was hilarious." I said, still snickering.

He simply hummed before going back to bother Russia. I sighed and looked down at the email.

I replied to it and then went on with my day as I shut my laptop and turned it off. I put it off to the side and went on with what I had to do for today.

At the end, I put my laptop into the office and turned the lights off in the house with my magic before flopping onto bed and passing out. After I had changed.


Final chapter. No more for this one! Aside from the A/N I, might, post.

Word count: 942


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