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69 9 1

~Yasss Soobin!!~

~VOTE and COMMENT dear MOAs~

-Start of Chapter 9-

"What would you like?" I don't look up.

There's a moment of silence before I hear a familiar voice.

"Coffee please..."

I shoot my head and a gasp escapes my lips and I smile.

"Soobin!" I exclaim quietly.

Soobin takes his mask off, smiling.

He looks so different from yesterday's stage... Almost cuter... His glasses look so good on him...

"You taking my order or not?" Soobin asks tilting his head.

I snap out of my trance. "Oh y-yeah. Sorry."

"No prob" Soobin says.

He pays for his drink and just when I'm about to make his drink he asks,

"Y/N, when does your break start?"

I look at him questioningly, "Why?"

"If its in a few mins, I would be happy if you sat with me."

My heart skips a beat and I feel my cheeks go warm.

"Oh yeah! O-Of course!" I quickly say and go to make his order.


"Here's your coffee."

"Thanks!" Soobin smiles. I sit down in front of him in the corner of the café.

"So, Y/N, how's your day been so far?" Soobin asks, taking a sip of his coffee.

"It's been good, just the usual work stuff," I reply, trying to keep the conversation casual. "And yours?"

Soobin chuckles, "Busy, as always. But it's worth it. We're working on some exciting projects."

"That's great to hear!" I say genuinely, "What about the other members? Are they here with you?"

Soobin shakes his head, "Nah, everyone has their own schedules today. We usually have some time off separately."

I nod in understanding, "Must be tough, but I guess it comes with being idols."

Soobin smiles, "Yeah, it's part of the job. But we enjoy what we do, so it's worth it."

As we continue talking, Soobin brings up yesterday's concert. "Did you get a chance to go through the pictures from yesterday? I hope you liked them."

I feel my cheeks flush slightly, "Oh, well, yeah, I did. They looked really good!"

"You didn't tell me you were gonna be there! I'm very sad!" He pouts.

I glance at him nervously, "Well, I only found out yesterday morning."

Soobin chuckles, "Don't worry, I'm just joking. But seriously, seeing you enjoying the concert made it even more special for us."

I flush and can't look him in the eyes.

We talk and talk. After some time I look that the time. Aww, my breaks over. I wanted to stay for longer.

"Soobinn," I pout, "My break's over. I need to gooo."

Soobin POV

Awwww. Why can't time go slow for onncee. I wanna talk to her more.

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