part 2

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"You are a life saver, Ken!" Sharky opened his door to see Kenny standing there with a bottle of milk.

Kenny laughed. "Yeah, no problem" He handed the milk over to Sharky. Sharky held the back of his friend's neck, bringing him forward to kiss his head. They did that a lot, Sharky and Kenny. They hugged, held hands, kissed each other anywhere on the face but their lips, all platonically of course.

"You're lucky we live so close." Kenny leaned against the door, smiling.

"Yeah well you would've come anyway" Sharky smirked.

Kenny rolled his eyes. "Alright, love you Sharks." Kenny said, going to turn around to leave.

"So eager to leave?"

"You need anything else?"

"Well no" Sharky admitted. "But since you're here, just stay for breakfast."

Kenny shrugged, pushing Sharky aside and walked into the house.

"Yeah make yourself at home" Sharky said sarcastically.

"Don't act like you don't come to my house with no invitation and fuck up my bedroom." Kenny made his way into the kitchen.

"If going to sleep is fucking it up then you've lost your mind."

Kenny grabbed a box of cereal from the cabinet and a bowl from a separate one. He'd stayed over at Sharky's house enough to know exactly where everything is. He poured out the cereal with a slight frown.

"You ran out of Cocopops" Kenny stated.

"Yeah you're the only one who eats them" Sharky told him, opening the new bottle of milk and ripping its wrapper off.

Kenny turned to look at Sharky but when he did he immediately burst out laughing. "Why- why the hell are you licking it like that?!" Kenny's giggle was admittedly adorable to Sharky.

"Like what?" Sharky blinked innocently. He was licking the milk off the foil as he always did before throwing it away.

"All I'm saying is you definitely eat arse." Kenny laughed out loud.

Sharky went over and poured in the milk for Kenny with a laugh. "Well bend over and you'll find out."

"Cold." Kenny smiled.

Sharky poured his own bowl of cereal and the two made their way into the living room.

"Bro it's freezing." Kenny stated, switching on the TV.

"Yeah, I know. Shall I turn the heating on?" Sharky asked.

"Why isn't it on anyway?"

"I mean I live alone so I usually just hack it."

"I live alone too but you don't see me torturing myself." Kenny said with a laugh.

Sharky smiled and got up "Lemme go turn it on, hold now"

Sharky thought to himself as he was walking. He honestly missed living with the Beta Squad. By himself he felt much more alone. Niko and Aj lived together and they seemed really happy. Chunkz was living with Darkest and some other friends but he and Kenny lived alone.

That's when the thought popped into his mind. He switched on the heating and went back to Kenny.

Kenny's legs had taken Sharky's seat on the sofa. Kenny looked at Sharky with a smirk.

"Move before I take your bowl." Sharky threatened.

Kenny rolled his eyes and moved his legs from Sharky's seat. Once the man was sat comfortably he put his legs on his lap.

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