part 19

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Once Niko and Aj got to the scene they too were getting stopped by police. Niko had stopped to talk to one of the police officers, being, probably the calmest out of his four friends. He knew in situations like these its best to stay calm and don't panic.

"I mean you can probably see we're Chunkz's friends. We have to see him, if you don't mind." Niko said politely.

But this officer wasn't as kind hearted as the one Sharky spoke to was. He pointed over to Aj, who was ducking and shoving every officer he came across. "He's causing unnecessary drama."

Niko breathed in. This officer was seriously stupid if he really thought what Aj was doing was 'unnecessary drama'. "Chunkz is like Aj's brother. He's worried, you have to understand that."

"Unfortunately, there's no understanding breaking the law."

Niko felt his anger start to rise slightly. "What law is he breaking?!"

"You're not allowed to disrespect nor harm an officer. Your friend is doing both."

"Maybe he's pissed that you guys won't let us see our best friend?! Have some fucking compassion, one of our friends is hurt!" Niko started to get angrier by the second. There was seriously no way this man was accusing Aj of doing something he clearly wasn't doing.

In any normal situation he would've stayed calm, made a few jokes and laughed it off. But this wasn't a laughing matter. Chunkz was seriously in trouble, actually hurt.

"I need you to take a step back, otherwise I could have you arrested for violence against a person of authority." The man said sternly, his hand going to his back pocket to take something out.

"Are you-" Niko laughed angrily. "Are you kidding me?" He tried to keep his cool. But it was now clear that this officer was nothing more than a racist white man, against all people of colour.


Niko quickly turned his head to see the police officer that Aj was trying to push past had now pulled his hands behind his back and forced him onto his knees. "HEY WHAT THE FUCK?!" Aj shouted, trying to get out of the man's grip.

"Don't resist or I will take action!" The police officer warned.

Niko was seeing red. They were hurting Aj. His Aj. Who did they think they were?!

"AJ!" Niko shouted, making a run towards his lover. The man that he was talking to tried to restrain him, but Niko shoved him hard and he collapsed onto the floor. He got to Aj and the officer holding him. "Let go of him." Niko said coldly.

"Your friend is defying the law, I'm afraid we can't do that."

"HOW AM I DEFYING LAW! I JUST WANT TO SEE AMIN!" Aj choked a sob, trying to hold it in.

"I said let him go. All we want to do is make sure our friend is okay." Niko looked around. He noticed Sharky and Kenny getting into an ambulance. They hadn't noticed the commotion that was going on and were now making their way to the hospital.

"Fuck, they're leaving." Niko said out loud.

"What?! No, Amin!" Aj shouted, sitting up slightly.

"I SAID DON'T RESIST!" The officer said, bending Aj into a rather uncomfortable position and tugging the scruff of his collar back to strangle his neck.


Niko breathed in. He had to keep calm. He had to lie. "Please let him go. We'll get out of your way, we'll go back home. Please, just stop hurting him." Niko said, eyes filling up with water.
Another police officer came over to the middle of the situation the boys were in.

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