part 18

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Niko had his hands tangled into Aj's beautiful, newly blond hair, tugging at it lightly. Aj was sitting in Niko's lap, legs wrapped around the taller man's waist, arms mimicking the action around his neck. The two best friends were making out passionately.

After their long many-hour phone call with Sharky and Kenny, which ended at around 8PM, Niko was starting to get really fed up of the constant teasing and touching that Aj was doing. So he'd taken Aj's phone from his hands and tossed it into the corner of the room, leaving the boys on the other end of the phone to guess what the sounds they were making meant.

Leading onto them making out harshly on the floor, Aj being dragged to stand, forced against a wall. To Niko picking the shorter man up into his arms and sitting them both on Aj's bed. Their current position didn't last long with Niko throwing Aj onto the bed and climbing on top of him. They'd been going at it for at least half an hour straight before Kenny and Sharky decided to finally hang up.

Aj giggled. "Bet you're glad we talked it out now, aren't you." It was now 10:14PM and the boys were still going at it, a couple breaks and conversations in between too.

Niko rolled his eyes "Shush." He muttered, forcing his tongue back inside Aj's mouth.

Aj was being harshly attacked by the whole of Niko. His hands touching and feeling every bit of Aj he could get. It was a whole lot for Aj to keep up with. "Relax, Nik, I'm not going anywhere." Aj laughed lightly.

"Yeah well, with my luck, your physical touch meter will be maxed out in about five minutes so shut up and let me enjoy this while I still can."

"Hey, don't underestimate me, I've been here with you for a few hours now." Aj smiled.

Niko frowned slightly before crashing his lips back onto Aj's. But it wasn't subtle enough for Aj to not notice.

"I mean it Nik." Aj said. "I won't leave you." Aj knew Niko was one for attachment issues, having his dad leave them when he was young. Every person he tried to be close with always left him eventually. Until George and Kenny came around, of course. Those two helped him overcome his issues quite a bit.

But with Aj's tendency to keep to himself a lot, it didn't help Niko's thought process much.

"I know." Niko answered, about to go back to kissing his short friend.

"Hey." Aj put his hand against Niko's lips. "Lay down." He tapped the empty area next to him and Niko dropped down into it.

Aj and Niko were lying on the bed, facing each other. "I love you, Niko." Aj smiled. "Okay? No matter what happens, I'll always love you."

Niko blushed. It was the first time Aj had said he loved Niko, which made his heart flutter. "I love you too, Aje."

"Good." Aj smiled. "Now stop worrying so much! We're gonna spend the whole night together, alright?"


The two men leaned back in for another kiss but were rudely interrupted by Aj's phone ringing at front of the bedroom.

Aj groaned, getting up from the bed. He went over to his phone and picked it up, rolling his eyes and answering the call, putting it to his ear.

"A little busy here Sharks." Aj said.

"You can continue your make out sesh in five minutes, man. Could you call Chunkz?"

"Uh, why?" Aj asked, confused.

"He's not picking up our phones."

"So he's probably busy. Or asleep?" Aj put a hand on his hip. Niko gave a gesture, asking what the call was about and Aj shrugged at him in reply.

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