part 27

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Kenny had gone back to his room, mind conflicted. On one hand, he was happy that he'd finally confessed to Sharky but on the other, he'd been rejected. Kenny couldn't figure out for the life of him about why he'd been turned down. He knew that Sharky had feelings for him, a stranger could see it! So why then, did Sharky feel like he couldn't say yes to Kenny? 

Kenny knew Sharky was insecure, of course he did. He had problems of his own that Kenny helped him with almost daily now. Ever since they moved in together, Sharky found that he could trust Kenny with his problems. He knew that Kenny would never judge him for them. Whenever Sharky cut, he went to see Kenny in his room straight after. He never told him about why he was there, but Kenny guessed the reason easily. The two would stay together the whole night and Kenny would make sure he got Sharky's mind off of the problem. 

So if Sharky could trust Kenny with something as big as his self harming addiction, why wouldn't he just agree to date him? Kenny needed to talk someone. He needed someone who didn't have a bias opinion on Sharky, someone who didn't know much about him.

"So yeah, that's everything that happened." Ken had finally finished explaining the situation he'd been in. He was laying down on his bed, hands behind his head and the phone on speaker.

"Hmm." The woman known as Jessica hummed in thought. "It is weird, to tell you the truth. Honestly I thought Sharky was head over heels for you." She laughed out.

"No literally, me too." Kenny agreed.

"Well, maybe he was scared? Not everyone is ready to commit to a relationship straight away. Your confession might have made him think he had to say yes and everyone knows how scary that can be." She said thoughtfully. Jessica wanted to be as helpful as she possibly could.

"But we're best friends! He knows I'd never force him to do something he doesn't want to!" Kenny countered her suggestion. "Sharky being afraid of me is like saying honey actually does spoil."

"Honey doesn't spoil?" Jessica asked, her tone going a pitch higher in shock.

"Crazy right?" Kenny laughed. 

The two ended up talking for another hour more, about Sharky but also other things too. Kenny was glad he had her to get his mind off things.

"Oh- crap- Ken I need to go." Jessica said out of the blue.

"Oh, are you good?"

"Yeah, just erm..." Jessica paused. "My brother's calling me, I need to go."

"Oh -what- you have a brother?" Kenny was shocked at the new information.

"Yeah, gotta go, bye Kenny, love ya!" And before Kenny could even reply, Jessica had ended the call. Leaving Kenny alone with his thoughts once more.


Sharky grabbed a jacket and his keys. He couldn't take being stuck at home right now. His mind was wondering all over the place. How could Kenny really see something worth loving in him? And did he seriously not see him as a one night stand, like every other woman that Kenny had gotten with before him? Was Sharky really that different to him? Sharky got to his car but stopped before he unlocked it. He sighed out and continued to walk. He couldn't be in his car right now, he had to take a walk. It was dark and past midnight but walking helped him clear his mind up.

"Fucks sake don't be a baby." Sharky rubbed his eyes vigorously.

Sharky's heart suddenly dropped. From the corner of his eyes he saw it. The black Audi. He couldn't actually see the scratch on its lower left door because of how dark it was but it was for sure that car. Sharky didn't know if this was just a coincidence or if somebody was planning something but he couldn't take the risk. He started to speed up slightly.

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