A Traitor's Trap

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When Melody realized what Creek had done to them ALL, to her sister, Branch, every single one of them she simply had her people submit yet refused to submit herself until Chef would hear her plea.

"What do you want?"

Melody spoke firmly, "I understand that Creek has betrayed our own kind for his own survival. I am willing to accept that. However, I only ask that he be revoked that freedom in exchange for my surrender. I wish to rid this world of him myself for what he has done to my people. Traitors will always be traitors after all."

Chef considered it and then gave in placing Creek in the same fanny pack as melody, the fanny pack that she (Chef) herself wore.

Later when they were all reunited with the original group which had been taken all trolls were taken aback slightly to find Creek on the bottom of the pot they were in with three swords put to his neck. When they followed the swords to their wielders they were all shocked to see it was an angry Melody, Celeste, and Branch who were glaring down a scared Creek.

The ladies hummed and Celeste began to sing which somehow Branch didn't even acknowledge.

"Do you wanna meet all my monsters?
Think you're tough? I know they'll drive you bonkers
Meet 'em once and they'll forever haunt ya, yeah
There's no heroes or villains in this place
Just shadows that dance in my headspace
Leavin' nothin' but phantoms in their wake"

"Their Wake" Melody backed up before taking control of the song while Celeste and Branch stabbed Creek's hands to the ground.

"There's parts of me I cannot hide
I've tried and tried a million times
La-da-da-de-da, la-da-da-de-da, la-da-da-de-da-da
Cross my heart and hope to die
Welcome to my dark side"

Melody then before any further singing could be done, addressed her people darkly and powerfully as she turned grey at last and she buried her sword into the skull of Creek, killing the Traitorous Troll.

"We may not survive tonight! That is the truth of our situation thanks to the Traitor, Creek. However, at least we will all go with peace of mind that he will never be able to betray us or anyone else ever again!"

The Trolls all cheered except for Branch and Poppy before Melody finally let go of her tension she had carried for years and rushed her sister into a hug as she cried tears of relief and sadness.

"Oh, Poppy! Thank Troll you're alright! If anything had happened to you... I don't know what I would've done!"

Poppy was shocked and conflicted.

"I... I thought you didn't like me..." Poppy revealed sadly, "I thought you would be angry with me for not listening to you..."

Celeste chimed in wisely as Melody began to cry as she took in what Poppy had just revealed to her.

"Poppy, Melody loves you. You're all the family she has in this world. Everything she's ever done has been done because she worried about your safety and happiness. Something she hasn't had herself for a very long time..."

"I... I didn't know..."

Melody hugged her little sister close as she continued to cry and revealed her true feelings.

"I love you so much Poppy... You're my baby sister. I've loved you since before you were even an egg. You mean the world to me. I could never be angry with you. Not for real. Are you okay? You don't look hurt..."

Poppy began to tear up as she broke away from her sister's hug and revealed how she was currently feeling with sarcasm.

"I'm doing great. I got everyone I love thrown in a pot because I wouldn't listen to you and Branch, thanks for asking."

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