Unexpected Memories

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[One Year Later, Again]

Inside the bergen castle in a large regal yet cozily decorated bedroom laid an unconscious Melody dressed in a cropped top and a short shorts who was currently dreaming deeply of a memory she had forgotten for a very long time.

| Dream |

A song by a boyband known as BroZone played in the background as a younger Melody walked backstage and into a dressing room where the boyband brothers themselves were readying for their show.

As soon as she walks in, Poppy runs into Branch's hair and drifts to sleep again there while the oldest of the five brothers approaches a currently exhausted Melody angrily.

"I haven't seen you in what feels like forever, Melody! Where have you been?! You missed our last anniversary."

Melody sighed tiredly in her mind before yawning as she answered tiredly, "I'm sorry JD... I just got so busy with the kingdom and Poppy. It was impossible to get away until now."

JD scowled in annoyance but dropped it and instead hugged her lovingly and longingly as he whispered to her, "I know you're lying to me... but I can accept that since whatever it is that's keeping you from me other than Poppy and the kingdom keeps running you ragged... I've missed you a lot, Melly. I'm glad to see you."

Melody offered him a small laugh and a small smile before kissing him on the cheek and wishing him luck as Branch handed her the sleeping Poppy and the boys were being called to the stage.

After a horrible failure of a performance, JD approached her and told her that he can't have things stay the same anymore and asked her to go away with him. That she could bring Poppy and they'd raise her together elsewhere. But Melody knew her answer before he even finished asking.

"I'm so sorry JD... I just... I can't just abandon my people to their own luck... They need me as Queen. Poppy needs to grow up knowing who her real parents were and why their not around. She needs to grow up to become the Queen she's meant to be someday... I can't go with you."

"Fine then! Have it your way! we're over! JD leaving for goodie!"

With that he walked away, and Melody felt her heart break as the world faded from her sight.

| Real Life |

Melody awoke with a hungover groan to the sun in her eyes.

"Oh..." Melody says as she gets up carefully not feeling well, "That was a crazy bachlorette party..."

Melody then uses her fully mastered abilities to cure all of the hangovers as they were all finally awake and Bridget proceeds to sing.

"I do my hair toss check my nails!" Bridget sings.

"Baby how you feelin'?" Poppy and Celeste sing to her as they come in.

"Do my hair toss, check my nails!"

"Baby how you feelin'?" Melody sings back this time.

"I'm feeling good as helloooo..." Bridget answers in song.

"It's me he's looking for!" Bridget adds as she looks at a picture of her and Gristle while Melody helps the girls all get ready so they can help Bridget get ready.

"Yeah it is!" Poppy, Celeste, and Melody answer in unison.

"I can see it in his eyes!"

"You betcha, sweetness!" Melody answers before focusing everyone back into figuring out Bridget's dress, "Now let's get this dress poppin'!"

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