BroZone Revamped

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When John Dory laid eyes on Melody he flushed bright red and could not take his eyes away from her as he dazedly spoke to her.

"Will you marry me, you angel sent from heaven?"

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"Will you marry me, you angel sent from heaven?"

Everyone laughed at his comment and Melody was just surprised.

"We already are married, John." Melody answers, "But I guess that reaction means it still looks good on me."

"You bet it does!" Brandy, Poppy, and Celeste all answered her.

At that one of Bruce's kids comes up to Bruce.

"Daddy, Daddy, can I have a cookie?"

Bruce gives his son a cookie as he recounts about being a father to the group, "Becoming a dad was like a-like a seismic shift in my brain."

"Daddy, Bruce Jr. bit me." Exclaimed another son to Bruce a third one nearby.

"No biting." Scolded Bruce.

Then Bruce's only daughter came up to Bruce, "Daddy, I don't see how any government stands a chance."

"You're not wrong kid." Bruce says which makes his daughter run off crying before Melody gets annoyed as a fourth son, this one stuck inside of a ketchup bottle appears and Brandy is no longer around due to work.

Melody wolf whistled the kids and ordered them all front and center which they obeyed instinctively and Melody took a deep breath before releasing the boy in the bottle from the bottle and sitting him down with one hand.

"That is enough of that reckless behavior, kiddos! Bruce Jr. you are more than old enough to know that we do not bite people we love!"

"Sorry, Ma'am! Sorry, Spruce Jr."

"It's okay, Bruce Jr."

"You, who took the cookie!"


"Yeah, you! You shouldn't be eating cookies so close to dinner time! Shape up!"

"Yes, Ma'am!"

The group could only continue to watch in astonishment as Melody drilled the kids all into shape flawlessly.

"You! Enough with trying to squeeze into empty bottles! Do you want to be eaten by an unsuspecting drunk diner?!"

"No! I'm sorry, ma'am! I won't do it again!"

"You better not, kid! It would break your parents if anything happened to any of you!"

Melody then helps the one daughter up off the ground supportively.

"Hey, kid? Don't stress so much about the chances any government might stand. All that should matter is that your own government is doing well enough to keep going strong. Also, don't let yourself feel bad when your Dad doesn't have much time to spend with you. He loves you a whole lot. He and your mom wouldn't have tried as hard as they probably did to have you if they didn't love you with all their heart and soul. Okay?"

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