Warning Others

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As they made their way to Lonesome Flats, Melody was almost completely despondent as she led the way and King Trollex was quick to notice her mood.

"You okay, Queen Melody?" Trollex asks kindly.

Melody sighed under her breath but answered awkwardly in kind appreciation.

"Yeah... I'm okay, just trying to get over a fight I had with my sister that brought back an unpleasant memory from when I was younger." Melody, "Also, I'm no longer the Queen of the Pop Tribe. I let my younger sister Poppy ascend to the throne. Melody is just fine."

King Trollex became even more curious as Celeste spoke to her in complete understanding.

"You know she meant no harm by what she said. Maybe HE had, but Poppy would never mean to harm anyone. Much less harm you or your feelings."

"I know, Cel... But it doesn't make it hurt any less." Melody answers before finally releasing how she feels in a song with a nod of agreement from King Trollex who didn't mind.

"You know I've been hurt before
Yeah, you know the score
And I know you want more
You want me thaw out
But you know I get ice cold
I get cold when you don't go slow
But I know you want more
You need me to thaw out"

Celeste began to hum and to Melody's surprise so did Trollex and Beat Drop Button before she continued softly and sincerely.

"And I know you were worthy"

Celeste chimed in now, "And I know this gonna work, yeah"

Melody then resumed on her own clearly now singing about her sister and this him Celeste mentioned priorly.

"I could only let you in
But I'm freezing"

Melody paused their trek as she began to feel out of place and Celeste took her hands into her own while she continued the song for her supportively.

"I'm not running again
I'm not running again
I will feel the pain and stay"

Melody squeezed her hands gratefully as she reached her decision internally and sang about it.

"I'm not running away
I'm not running away
I will feel the pain and stay"

Melody took a calming breath and smiled at Celeste in gratitude, "Thanks for helping me see things clearly Celeste. I don't know what I would do without you."

Celeste laughed lightly before answering humorously, "Probably making every Pop Troll miserable from a lack of parties and starving yourself trying to keep up with all the work you had to do as Queen to keep the kingdom going another day."

Melody laughed, "Don't exagerate Celeste, I wasn't starving myself, I was just not eating as many meals as I should've been eating daily."

"I said what I said!"

The group of four burst out laughing before calming as they realized they were already long since in Lonesome Flats when Delta Dawn was suddenly standing in front of them waiting for them to notice their surroundings.

"Delta Dawn."

Delta hummed in curiosity, "Why if it ain't Queen Melody of the Pop Tribe. What brings y'all and King Trollex up here to Lonesome Flats."

Melody frowned in seriousness before answering cautiously, "Any chance we could speak somewhere private? It's very important."

Delta nodded and led them into her house where she offered them something to drink and a place to sit and talk.

"So what brings y'all over to see me?" Delta asked.

"It's about Queen Barb, Delta." Melody answers.

"Oh! Ya mean that little world tour flyer she been sending around wherever she can send it?"

Melody nodded as King Trollex explained, "Yeah, she's not trying to unite anything correctly Delta. She's chosen to destroy all music other than Rock and she's gathering every kind of troll she can get her hands on by force to do so. She already destroyed Techno Reef. She took all of my Techno Trolls with her except for one sea critter-bus driver who was transporting Melody and Celeste here back towards the shores near her home."

Delta was flabbergasted and rightfully concerned at the news, "Oh my! Are you alright there Trollex?"

Trollex sighed sadly before answering, "Physically only got scrapes and bruising, mentally I'm scared of what's going to happen to my trolls. Of what's going to happen to all trolls."

"Rightfully so, I'll say! That Barb is up to no good! I'll have a meeting with my Trolls right quick and have them prepare things for when Barb comes parading into our town with her Rock Trolls. Get all of our fragile trolls to tuck away in our storm shelters for the meanwhile and have all able-bodied trolls prepare to protect our village as much as possible before getting themselves to safety."

"I'm glad to hear that Delta. Now that I'm no longer Queen, my little sister Poppy has taken over back home and while I did leave word with some trustworthy trolls to get everyone they could get to listen to seek safety from any coming invasion, my little sister is no doubt not going to listen to my warnings and about to reach Symphonyville."

"Oh dear! Haven't ya heard the news yet Melody?"

Melody, Trollex and Celeste all shook their heads no and Delta became concerned for their reactions but decided to tell them anyway.

"Symphonyville got completely destroyed just yesterday! We didn't have any clue how it happened but the entire place was in ruins. Any building there could collapse any time for any reason. It's just not safe. Every Classical Troll is missing too. All that remains are their broken and destroyed instruments."

Melody and Celeste immediately gasped in horror and stood up promptly excusing themselves from Trollex and Delta to go after Poppy.

The could only hope they would make it in time to protect them.

| Symphonyville |

When Melody reached Symphonyville in panic and tears with Celeste hot on her trail, she couldn't help but panic as she found Sheila B the Balloon from Pop Village deserted with the manual not far from it's car.

Then she began to search frantically through the ruins until eventually a small weak voice answered her pleas.

"Poppy is not here. She and her friends have headed for Lonesome Flats on foot to warn the Country Trolls of Barb's impending attacks and get them to join her in showing Barb that we are not all different!"

Melody gasped in shock and stopped in her tracks.

"Oh no! Poppy has no filter! She's going to insult Delta's Trolls with some stupid medley and get herself into trouble with them."

"Not exactly, Mel." Began to answer an exhausted Celeste who had caught up just in time with her, "Delta knows Poppy is your little sister, Delta knows that well and good. Maybe we can make it back to Lonesome Flats fast enough to get them bailed out of trouble and jail and then reason with Poppy."

Melody relented and the two caught their breath before promptly grabbing Sheila and her manual and flying off towards Lonesome Flats.

However, they ended up coming short from reaching the tribe's village when they saw Branch down by the reeds at the lakeside with bounty hunters.


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