The Trap is Sprung

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When the group of Branch, Poppy and Tiny reach the room Floyd is being held in, they use a sticky hand to slide down from the vent and onto the desk where Floyd's diamond prison was holding him captive to.


"Branch?" Floyd asks in shock and surprise, "Is it really you?"

Branch beamed, "Yeah. It's really me."

"Wow." Floyd says in awe, "You've really grown into that vest. You're a man now."

Branch hugs the diamond prison in utter relief and excitement, prompting Floyd to match his energy and hug the walls of his prison, "Oh! Finally somebody other than Melody and Celeste gets me."

Poppy was happy for Branch to see the two brothers so happy to see each other, that is, until Melody flew in and in a rush moved the four of them, including Floyd back into the vents with her ability. Taking Floyd out of the prison and taking his place.


When the group had finished exclaiming that, they witnessed Velvet and Veneer walk into the room each carrying something.

"We're so close. I told you BroZone would show up. My letter worked! I'm a genius!"

Floyd gasped silently in horror as she saw Velvet not even realize that he had been replaced by a female troll and the rest of his brothers having been kidnapped along with his wife who was simply put into the same diamond prison as John Dory. John Dory, Celeste, and Bruce in the shoulder pads of Veneer's stage show while Melody and Clay were each placed into a shoulder pad of Velvet's own stage show.

"Oh no..." Branch and Poppy exclaimed in concern as Rhonda could be seen struggling in the arms of the two siblings before getting thrown into the closet along with the mop creature known as Crimp.


"Melody?!" Exclaimed Bruce in shock.

"Mel!" Celeste said before sighing in saddened relief, "Thank you."

Melody didn't really answer as she simply frowned sadly and hugged herself.

John Dory smiled sadly at his wife as he realized what that interaction between the best friends had been about and talked to her with all the love and understanding he had always had towards her.

"Thanks for protecting our younger siblings, Melody... I just want you to know. Whatever happens, I love you and I always have."

Melody gave him a teary eyed smile as the siblings began to walk out of the room, "I love you too John Dory. I always loved you and I only wish I could spend the rest of our lives with you in total freedom like we had always daydreamed."

John Dory teared up and before long the brothers and two ladies were all completely out of sight as Veneer exclaimed about butt markers.

"Oh, that's fun! I'll grab my butt marker!"

Poppy, Branch, and Floyd all look at each other sadly in concern before getting down from the air vents and opening up the closet to see Rhonda spit Crimp out of her mouth who gets up and whimpers sadly.

"Oh, it looks like you need a hug." Poppy commented in surprise.

Branch and Floyd nod their heads and in an instant Crimp hugs Poppy tightly and cries, Poppy soothing her while returning the hug.

"Okay, now whose sibling is this now?" Tiny asks in absolute confusion.

Before long though, the group of three trolls goes into Rhonda and pulls up at the Rage Dome to confront Velvet and Veneer as they speak to their fans in person and through the broadcast.

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