Listening is not that Hard

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When the trolls all around cheered and a rock troll hugged a funk and a pop troll, Poppy and Melody finally turned to each other shyly but openly.

"Melody, I should've listened to what you had to say instead of running off into danger like I did."

Melody smiled happily and assuringly as she quietly sang to her her answer, "Have I told you lately that I love you? You're the only reason that I'm not afraid to fly"

Poppy beamed as she took in the answer and she answered in kind, "And you need to know that you're the reason why"

The sisters hugged lovingly before Melody excused herself to go talk with Celeste as Poppy then went to approach Barb.

"Well, now that you're not forcing me, I hope we can be friends." Poppy said kindly and happily.

Barb then became excited and hugged Poppy before addressing another female Rock Troll.

"Yes! Did you hear that Carol?! WE HAVE A GIRL GROUP NOW!"

"A girl group?!" Carol exclaimed in excitement as she threw the sprayable cheese can in her hand behind her, "NICE!"

"Yeah, Carol!" Barb answered Carol before addressing Poppy happily and walking away to talk to Riff, " She's psyched!"

Poppy is then approached gently by Branch, who she smiles at and greets excitedly but softly.

"Branch, I love that we're different!"

Branch smiled at her with all the love he could muster and before he could answer her with the words, Celeste and Melody push their faces together and make them kiss with cat calls and laughter.

When the two pull away, Melody and Celeste are a bit a ways laughing at their flustered faces together and Branch decides to take the leap now more confidently since Poppy had kissed back just as he had.

"And I love you, Queen Poppy." Branch answers, "I have for a long time now."

"I love you too, Branch," Poppy answers happily, "I have for the longest time."

"I thought you loved Creek at one point?" Branch asked in confusion.

Poppy then smirked at him and offered a high five as she answer vaguely, "Let's just say, it took me a lot to build the courage to give you that first invitation. Shall we?"

Branch then answers as the two share the most magical and powerful high five in history, "Yeah!"

"Whoo!" Poppy exclaims.

"Now that's a good connection!" Branch exclaims.

Poppy laughs and Branch kisses her chastely causing cheers to resound all over as Melody and Celeste hug happily and finish clearing the air.

"You better never vanish out of my sight like you did again, Mel."

"Wouldn't dream of it, Cel. I love you like a sister."

Celeste smiled happily at her as she squeezed her back in the midst of their hug when she squeezed her, "I love you like a sister too, Melody."

| Pop Village |

[One Year Later]

As a scrapbook closes, Poppy and Branch are revealed to have been reading the story as an author picture of Melody and Celeste is shown on the back cover of the scrapbook.

"In the beginning, we were divided. Our ancestors thought that we were just too different to get along."

"It turns out," Branch adds, "They were wrong."

Poppy nods and continues, "Very, very wrong. You have to be able to listen to different voices, even when they don't agree with you. They make us stronger, more creative, more inspired! So whether your song is sad and heartfelt, loud and defiant, warm and funky, smooth and gentle, booming and rhythmic, or a bit of each...It's all these sounds and all our differences that make the world a richer place..."

Poppy then holds the book in one hand as she uses the other to hold one of Branch's hands.

Picture Here

"Because you can't harmonize alone." Poppy finishes happily.

The trollings of the different tribe hearing the story for the first time together all beam and smile as Clampers and Ashley now a year older and a bit more lively burst in with Tiny Diamond. Clampers laughs and Ashley begins to excitedly jump Branch in a hug as Tiny drives in a truck of glitter.



"Yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah."

"Clampers!" Poppy scolds as she takes the scrapbook away from Clampers who had begun to chew on it, "Let's not eat our history!"

"Sorry, Aunt Poppy..."

"Excuse me," Declared Tiny Diamond, "I'm done with my nap and I'm ready to party! Glitter!"

Tiny then dumps out all the glitter he had stored away in his toy truck as the pod opens and a party begins in the even bigger and expansive Troll Village.

Now known as Trollstopia.

Yeah... Life was looking up for everyone.

Everyone that is except for Melody who got two post cards in the mail she had never expected from two different people she had not seen in many many years.

'Wish You Were Here!
Love, B & B'

'Wish I Could See You At The Summit!
Missing you, lots...

Melody grimaced briefly before seeing Branch and Poppy happily approaching her with Celeste in tow all singing and dancing, deciding it best to simply tear them up and throw them down into the mouth of an awaiting trapper-flower.

Then she joined the party that was now in full swing, deciding it'd be best to forget those post cards ever happened.


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