chapter 33

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The peasant man could not read or write, but he was naturally tall and strong. He often ran in the mountains and developed his accuracy. After searching for several days, Han Yue actually caught a wild boar!

  Han Yue was hiding in the grass. Just when he was aiming at the wild boar, he suddenly discovered that the wild boar had a big belly!

  Could it be that he had a baby?

  Han Yue's heart warmed, he deflected the arrow, and moved his gaze from the pig's belly to the wild boar's left hind leg, close to the pig's butt.

  Maybe God also likes this hard-working farm man. Han Yue's arrow was really accurate. The wild boar's hind legs hurt, and it limped forward with its hooves spread, not too slow. Han Yue chased after the wild boar relentlessly until it fell to the ground and could no longer run. He ran out sweating profusely and tied up the wild boar with a rope.

  There were branches in the forest. Han Yue cut off a few branches and tied them into a board. He put the wild boar up and tied them up. He then raised two wooden handrails and pulled the wild boar down the mountain like an oxen pulling a roller. Thanks to his strength, a smaller one would not be able to pull a large wild boar weighing more than 300 kilograms, and it would cover more than ten miles in one pull.

  When Han Yue led the wild boar into the village, the sun had already set, but it was hot in early summer, so the villagers liked to sit at the door after eating and chat with their neighbors.

  The first villager who saw Han Yue had his eyes widened and his mouth opened speechless.

  Immediately afterwards, the group of villagers swarmed around to watch the wild boar.

  "Hey, Han Yue, why did you bandage the wild boar?" Someone discovered the cloth band on the wild boar's hind legs.

  Han Yue gasped for breath, looked back and said: "This pig has a baby, I will keep it for a few more days."

  When the villagers heard this, their eyes almost turned red with envy. A pig must have given birth to more than ten piglets. If they were raised and raised, they would be sold next year, at least twenty or thirty liang!

  "Han Yue, tell me, since you married a daughter-in-law, you have built a house and held weddings at home, and now you have hunted a wild boar. In a few years, the third child in your family will definitely come back as a scholar!" Relationship with the Han family and the Lin family The nice villagers smiled and said auspicious words.

  Han Yue liked to hear it and said with a smile: "One day, I will treat the whole village to a feast!"

  The villagers immediately praised even more enthusiastically.

  Hu Quan squeezed inside and threw a basin of cold water jealously: "The wild boar is not a domestic pig. How can it be so easy to feed? It might die tomorrow morning."

  The villagers all scolded him. Just as Han Yue was about to glare at him, he saw his two younger brothers and his wife rushing over.

  Han Yue forgot Hu Quan's depressing words and looked at his wife with bright black eyes.

  Chen Jiao didn't know that he had hunted something good. The man had gone out all morning, and it was almost dark. Han Jiang and Han Xu searched the Tiger Mountain several times but did not see Han Yue's figure. Chen Jiao then I couldn't help but worry, fearing that Han Yue would encounter a ferocious beast in the mountains, and instead of catching the prey, he would become the prey, and he would never return.

  In a panic, she suddenly heard that Han Yue had hunted wild boars. She and her two brothers-in-law hurried out to confirm.

  The villagers gathered in a circle to watch wild boars. The first person Chen Jiao saw was Han Yue. His face was covered with sweat, and big beads of sweat were rolling down his face. His coarse clothes were almost soaked through, and the ropes on both shoulders had sunk into the material, and they might have been strangled inside.

  "Go home quickly." Chen Jiao felt a little distressed. No matter how strong a man was, he couldn't help being so tormented.

  Han Jiang and Han Xu rushed over to help their eldest brother carry the wild boar. The three brothers carried it together, which made Han Yue feel much more relaxed.

  The Han family's pig pen was ready-made, and Han Yue loosened the wild boar and put it in.

  The wild boar snorted around the wall of the pig pen, unable to find a way out. Maybe it was tired, so it shrank back to its original pig nest and lay down.

  In Han Yue's eyes, this wild boar was his way to make a fortune. He didn't even bother to eat, so he took his two younger brothers to Laohu Mountain to collect wild boars' favorite weeds. They often hunted in the mountains, but Han Yue found pheasants and hares. , the taste of wild boar.

  After feeding the wild boar, Han Yue finally lost his energy and lay sprawled on the kang.

  The two younger brothers went to bed. Chen Jiao stood in front of the kang and asked him: "Looking at how tired you are, should you eat or take a bath first?"

  "No more washing, please help me wipe it." Han Yue didn't want to move, lying there and ordering his wife. He hunted a wild boar today, which gave him the confidence to use Miss Huanjiao.

  He had never asked Chen Jiao to do such a favor before. Chen Jiao saw that the man was really tired, so she had no objection. She picked up a bucket of water and then a basin of water and put it on the edge of the bed. At the door of the room, he took off his shoes and knelt down next to Han Yue. Smelling the strong smell of sweat on Han Yue's body, Chen Jiao was extremely happy. Fortunately, the kang was now covered with a kang mat. If it were a kang mat, Han Yue would have to wash and dry it before lying down like this.

  "Take off your clothes." The man looked at her and giggled inexplicably. Chen Jiao snorted and urged him.

  "My arms are sore and I can't move." Han Yue said lazily.

  Chen Jiao didn't believe it, but she didn't argue with him about it. She lowered her head and helped him undress. The two had been a couple for several months, so it was not like they had never seen each other before.

  Throwing away his sweaty shirt, Chen Jiao immediately saw two deep rope marks on Han Yue's shoulders.

  "Does it hurt?" she asked tremblingly, not daring to touch it.

  "The pain is worth it." Han Yue suddenly pulled her into his arms and hugged her hard.

  When Chen Jiao fell down, her lips accidentally touched his face, and she pursed her lips unintentionally. She frowned and struggled angrily: "Let go, it stinks!"

  Han Yue refused to let go, raised his head and kissed Miss Jiao's tender face a few times. He was afraid that she would be really angry, so he didn't dare to kiss her.

  The couple argued for a while, and Chen Jiao continued to wipe him until he reached the waistband of his trousers. Under Han Yue's expectant eyes, Chen Jiao threw the towel to his chest and ignored it.

  Han Yue was satisfied, jumped down to the ground, and wiped a few of them quickly.

  Dinner was steamed buns stuffed with wild vegetables, and Han Yue ate five of them in a row.

  Chen Jiao was stunned.

  After eating, Han Yue went to see the wild boar again. He felt relieved when he saw the wild boar lying comfortably in its nest.

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