chapter 34

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"If the piglet can be raised, I will buy you a hairpin after selling it."

  Han Yue didn't have the energy to give birth tonight. He hugged his petite daughter-in-law, rubbed the hair on the top of her head and coaxed softly.

  Chen Jiao looked at him and tried to ask: "Gold hairpin or silver hairpin?"

  Han Yue couldn't help but patted her and said with a smile: "You really know how to get the gold hairpin."

  Under the current conditions, it would be good to buy a silver hairpin, or at most give her a hairpin coated with gold.

  Chen Jiao also laughed. After she finished laughing, she asked him seriously: "Are you completely devoted to me now?"

  Han Yue didn't know how to say he's dead. When he saw her beautiful peach blossom eyes, he lowered his head and kissed her: "Well, I'm dead."

  He is absolutely determined and is willing to treat her well.

  After hearing this, Chen Jiao closed her eyes and thought of Bodhisattva in her heart.

  But the Bodhisattva did not appear, and Chen Jiao did not have the Bodhisattva's dream that night.

  After waking up, Chen Jiao looked at the sleeping man next to her and curled her lips. It turned out that he was just talking.

  Chapter 18

  Wild boars are difficult to raise, so Tian took her daughter and son-in-law back to her parents' home. Her father, Mr. Tian, was a good pig farmer and could give some ideas.

  When his granddaughter and grandson-in-law came to visit, Mr. Tian was very happy and warmly entertained Han Yue.

  The old man and the young man went to the pig house to talk loudly. Chen Jiao and the female relatives of the Tian family were sitting in the room.

  "The second eldest son of the Han family will get married at the end of the month, right?" Grandma mentioned this first.

  Chen Jiao nodded.

  Grandma snorted and curled her lips and said, "I've heard about the Cao family. Pearl's mother is a lazy, lazy person who likes to take advantage of others. The persimmon tree next door has several branches extending into the Cao family's yard. Pearl's mother had picked them all, and she wouldn't return them even if people came to ask for them. And that pearl, it's the same as her mother's. When she comes through the door, she will definitely miss your things. Jiaojiao, you have to take the valuables. It’s all hidden!”

  After the old lady finished speaking, the eldest aunt also spoke: "Yes, Jiaojiao has been too honest recently. You are the spoiled eldest daughter of our family. Han Yue treats you well. We don't care if their family is poor, but Jiaojiao can't I was bullied by that Cao Zhenzhu. Jiaojiao, remember, it doesn’t matter whether she is pregnant or not, just leave any work to her, we won’t serve outsiders.”

  The second aunt came up with an idea: "If she dares to make you angry because of her pregnancy, just let Han Yue help you, otherwise Jiaojiao will go back to live with her parents!"

  The third aunt finally said: "It is best to separate the families. We are charming and have a dowry, and Han Yue is capable. Life will definitely be better after the families are separated."

  Chen Jiao, who was surrounded in the middle, was stunned for a while.

  Are these women thinking too far? Cao Zhenzhu hasn't even entered the door yet.

  However, although the elders spoke frankly, Chen Jiao felt the care between her close relatives. If you were not treated as a relative, who would care how you get along with your sister-in-law?

  At this moment, Tian Shi sighed quietly and sighed in a low voice: "Han Yue's father and mother died early. He has been both a father and an elder brother for so many years. The three brothers have such a deep relationship that they will not separate easily. "." She hoped that her daughter would be smarter, a delicate flower, and not be bullied by Cao Zhenzhu's dog-tail grass.

  Chen Jiao is a noblewoman from the Duke's palace. In her knowledge, it is rare for a wealthy family to separate their families. Therefore, as long as Cao Zhenzhu doesn't get too involved, Chen Jiao will not easily instigate Han Yue and his two younger brothers. Separate families.

  The three of them had dinner at Tian's house at noon, and then went back to Dawang Village together.

  Mr. Tian borrowed a domestic pig weighing more than 100 kilograms from Han Yue. He said that the wild boar was timid, suspicious and did not like to eat when he had just caught it. The wild boar quickly got used to it when the domestic pig was with him.

  Han Yue was very fond of his wild boar. He would check on how the two pigs were getting along with each other every once in a while. He found that the big wild boar did not bully the fat domestic pig. The two pigs seemed to get along well. As expected, the wild boar was getting better and better. After taking the initiative to eat pig food, Han Yue finally felt relieved and held Chen Jiale in his arms at night: "When the wild boar gives birth, we will send a sow cub to my grandfather."

  Chen Jiao listened to him talking about pigs every day, and her ears were almost calloused. But after hunting the wild boar, Han Yue became much more energetic, so Chen Jiao endured it. Just let the pigs be pigs. Pigs can be sold for money, which is good. of.

  At the end of the month, Han Jiang is getting married.

  The three brothers borrowed tables and chairs from the villagers in advance and filled the yard.

  Seeing that the wedding was about to happen tomorrow, at dusk, Cao Zhenzhu's mother, Mrs. Hu, came to the Han family again.

  Han Yue appeared politely and asked his second brother Han Jiang to entertain him. He continued to wash the dishes. Some of the bowls he borrowed from the villagers were unused and had accumulated dust. Han Yue lived in poverty, but he loved to be clean. He had to Just brush it once.

  Han Jiang accompanied Mrs. Hu to look at the new house he and Cao Zhenzhu shared. Mrs. Hu knocked on the cabinets in the house and was not satisfied. She whispered to Han Jiang: "Your elder brother is serious. Look at the cabinets he uses in his house. Look at what he has prepared for you, second son, second son, second son, you have to be careful when living as a couple from now on."

  Han Jiang sneered: "The cabinets in my eldest brother's house are all brought by my sister-in-law from her natal family. If you don't like what my brother bought, why don't you give Pearl a good set?"

  Mrs. Hu's face turned pale and then turned red. She curled her lips and scolded Han Jiang affectionately: "You silly old man, why are you so stubborn with me? Isn't this just for you and Pearl? Could it be that I bought it? Is the cabinet for me? It happened to you three before. Your eldest brother will definitely not be partial. But it’s different now. Both of you brothers have wives. Think about it, second brother, if you had money in your hands, would you be willing to spend it? Spend it on your brothers, or on your wife and son?"

  Han Jiang stopped answering.

  Mrs. Hu pursed her lips again to the upper room: "Did you see that your eldest brother is reluctant to let your sister-in-law wash the dishes? He must have secretly bought her things to please her. What he spent was the money you brothers saved together."

  "My eldest brother is not that kind of person." Han Jiang said displeasedly.

  Hu smiled: "Really? You will know later."

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