chapter 1: death& first life

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"Cry, just cry. It's you who have made Jiaojiao so naughty. If you were willing to restrain her, she wouldn't go to the pond to catch fish!"

  "What's the use of talking about that now? Why isn't my Jiaojiao awake? If Jiaojiao has any shortcomings, I won't be able to live either..."

  The man's majestic scolding and the woman's cry faintly reached Chen Jiao's ears.

  Chen Jiao had a splitting headache. She frowned and opened her eyes with difficulty.
What came into view was the simple and clean beamed roof and the three large windows facing the sun. Chen Jiao turned her head in confusion, and then she realized that she was lying on an unfamiliar large kang. Under the kang, there were red flowers placed under the north wall. There are lacquered wardrobe boxes and cages, with a dressing table and a desk on the east side. Such simple furnishings are not even as good as the rooms of the maids in the Duke's Mansion
"Jiaojiao, are you awake?" A woman in her thirties wearing a fine cloth skirt excitedly threw herself in front of the kang, looking at her with red eyes. Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man in his forties appeared next to the woman. The man was of medium height, with straight features and a short, well-trimmed beard. He looked over with dignity but concern.

  Chen Jiao had a headache. Half-conscious, she remembered who she was and understood where she was now.
Chen Jiao, the favored second girl in the Duke Xian's palace, her father is the Duke, and her mother is the Duke's wife from a well-born family. In addition to her brother from the same mother, Chen Jiao also has a cousin, Chen Wan, who is the queen.

  Chen Wan was beautiful and favored in the palace for a while, and she gave birth to five princes. Unfortunately, there were beauties one after another in the palace, and Chen Wan soon fell out of favor. Seeing that the old emperor appointed a new concubine, Chen Wan became anxious and invited her younger sister Chen Jiao into the palace for the sole purpose of admiring flowers. Chen Jiao was only fourteen years old, so she went there unprepared. When she entered the palace, she found that the old emperor was also there.
Chen Jiao didn't think much about it, but not long after she sat down, she realized that the old emperor had been looking at her lustfully.

  Although Chen Jiao is young, her plump body, icy skin, charming appearance, and innocent eyebrows are an irresistible temptation for men.

  Faced with the old emperor's unabashed covetousness, Chen Jiao finally understood the Queen's sister's plan, but it was too late. The next day, the old emperor suddenly issued an edict to select a concubine. Chen Jiao was among the candidates at her age. The edict issued It was too urgent and the Duke's Palace had no time to prepare, so Chen Jiao had to go to the palace to wait for selection, and was finally appointed by the old emperor as a noble lady

Chen Jiao didn't want to be treated as a noble by an old emperor. Fortunately, the old emperor was coaxed by the imperial concubine that night, so she avoided sleeping with him.

  Then, news came in the night that the old emperor died on the bed of the imperial concubine. The cause of death was unexplainable.

Chen Jiao secretly rejoiced, but she never expected that the old emperor actually left a will, asking all the concubines who had no heirs to be buried in his honour!

  Chen Jiao, who was shocked to hear the bad news, fell to the ground with a white face. Although she did not sleep with him, she could still be regarded as the old emperor's concubine.
Just when the new emperor was busy enthroning and had no time to prepare for the funeral, and when Chen Jiao was kneeling in front of the jade statue of Bodhisattva and praying to escape death, Chen Jiao had a dream at night. In the dream, the Bodhisattva appeared in front of her. Chen Jiao cried and begged the Bodhisattva to save her. The Bodhisattva said that she was born with a bad relationship between husband and wife. In the previous seven lives, she would either die as a widow or be separated from her husband. The only way to completely change her life is to go back to her previous seven lives and try to make her remarried husband or original husband be devoted to her.
Chen Jiao was confused: "Seven previous lives? How should I go back?"

  The Bodhisattva was compassionate and said: "I will help you."

  Chen Jiao finally saw hope: "If I changed the fate of my previous seven lives, wouldn't I have to die in this life?"

  The Bodhisattva smiled: "Not only will he not die, he will also become rich and powerful."
Chen Jiao does not seek wealth, only peace.

  After the Bodhisattva disappeared, some of the deeds of her first life appeared in Chen Jiao's mind.

  In this life, Chen Jiao is just the daughter of Lin Boyuan, a scholar from Dawang Village.
Lin Boyuan is forty-two years old this year. He studied hard when he was young, and once threatened that he would not have a family if he did not become a scholar. At the age of twenty-five, Lin Boyuan finally succeeded in passing the scholar examination, married his wife Tian, and had brothers and sisters Lin Yu and Lin Jiao. both. With a beautiful wife and smart children, Lin Boyuan enjoyed his life more and more, but there was no progress in the imperial examination. After several hesitations, Lin Boyuan finally gave up taking the exam and settled down to open a private school in the village to teach the children of farmers in nearby villages.
In Dawang Village, the Lin family's financial situation is pretty good. They have ten acres of fertile land and don't have to pay taxes. Therefore, while other farm children have gone to work in the fields early and have tanned skin, Lin Jiao and Lin Yu, brother and sister, have fair skin, fine skin and tender flesh. Especially Lin Jiao, whose appearance has inherited the advantages of her parents. Walking around the village with willow-leaf arched eyebrows, beautiful peach blossom eyes, and a full smile, she looks like a fairy descending to earth, and both young and old men love to see her.
Most of the young people in the village admired Lin Jiao, timidly hiding in the distance to take a peek, and boldly giving Lin Jiao small gifts such as hair ties and wooden combs when she went out. However, Lin Jiao looked down on these local men. , who wanted to marry a rich kid from the county town. When Lin Jiao was sixteen years old, she went to the city to enjoy the lanterns and met Wei Qingcang, the second son of the Wei family of Sitong Bank. The boy was rich and the girl was good-looking. The two fell in love with each other when they first met. Soon, Wei Qingcang He sent someone to propose marriage and married Lin Jiao as his wife.

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