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"Welcome to the dark side!" A guy evilly laughs at Zhang Hao and another one hits the guy on the head.

"You're going to scare him away!"

"Jiwoong!" Gyuvin frowns. "Why'd you hit me?!"

"I'm sorry about him." Jiwoong tells Zhang Hao. "And welcome."

"Welcome?" Zhang Hao looks around and sees they're in a room with a whole bunch of books on the shelves. "Where am I?"

"We know you're confused, but we'll explain everything. Just sit down." Gyuvin tells him and grabs a book from the shelf.

"What am I doing here? And why don't I remember anything?" Zhang Hao touches his head in pain.

"Well, you're actually dead." Jiwoong tells him and Zhang Hao's eyes widen.

"Wow, now you're going to scare him away." Gyuvin tells him. "What happened to beating around the bush?"

"What?! What do you mean? What kind of sick joke is this?!" Zhang Hao shakes his head, not believing what these guys are telling him. There's no way he's actually dead.

"It's not a joke." Gyuvin hands him the book and Zhang Hao looks down at it to see his name written on the cover. "Just read the last page and you'll see how your life ended."

Still not being able to believe it, Zhang Hao opens the last page of the book and sees what's written on it.

'And after being in pain because of the accident, he passes away after a few hours, letting go of the hand he was holding in the hospital room.' He reads and still can't believe it.

"No..." He shakes his head. "This is just a normal book, right? There's no way all my life is written in here. It doesn't even say my name." He's about to look through other pages, but Jiwoong takes the book away from him.

"We're not allowed to read about our pasts." He tells him. "The only thing we can do is know how it is that we ended up here. As for your name, it's written outside on the book cover. There's no need for your name to be written in every sentence."

"Okay okay... let's say this is actually true." Zhang Hao runs his hand through his hair. "But still... what am I doing here? What happens now?"

"Now you can decide what's next, Zhang Hao." Gyuvin tells him. "You can either do nothing and actually die, or you can get another chance at life, but with one condition."

"I'm so confused. Didn't you say I'm already dead?"

"In a way, yeah." Jiwoong nods. "But you're not fully dead yet."

"What's the condition?"

"Well... you'd have to help someone who's living a miserable life. You'd have to help them find happiness."

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