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"Hey, you guys!" Zhang Hao puts his backpack down after he comes home from school. "I'm going to Matthew's party tonight. Does anyone want to come along?" He looks around at Jiwoong, Taerae, Yujin, and Gyuvin, waiting for one of them to say something.

"Not me. I don't like parties and I trust that Gunwook won't do anything stupid." Taerae tells him.

"Yeah, I agree with Taerae. Plus, if they do anything stupid, we can just change it on the book before it happens." Jiwoong says. "We'll be paying close attention."

"I think I'll go." Gyuvin speaks up. "I'm new here and I haven't gotten the chance to see Ricky in person. I think this will be the perfect chance."

"Oh, okay... be ready in an hour." Zhang Hao tells him and he nods.

"Got it." Gyuvin rushes out of the living room and upstairs to his room.

"I know you have your own mission to work on, but could you please try to help Gyuvin out a little bit? It's better if he completes his mission before he remembers anything." Jiwoong tells Zhang Hao.

"I'll try my best." Zhang Hao nods. "But why don't you come along? It'd be easier if we both helped him."

"I'm just... not really in the mood for partying right now."

"What about you guys?" Zhang Hao asks Taerae and Yujin.

"Oh, I'm actually hanging out with a friend, so I can't come along." Yujin tells him.

"I guess I could come along." Taerae says after a while. "I'll go get ready." He rushes out of the room.

"Will you be fine here by yourself?" Zhang Hao asks Jiwoong after Yujin has already left.

"Of course I will. Why are you treating me like I'm a little kid?" He laughs. "I'm probably older than you."

"Sorry, I can't help it. Maybe when I was fully alive I was like a dad to my friend group." He says and Jiwoong's smile fades.

"Go get ready now. The party's starting soon."

"Have you forgotten I can just teleport?"

"Well yeah, but maybe you shouldn't do that this time. The party might be full of people and it could be dangerous. Someone could see you. I think it's better if you just get there like a normal person." Jiwoong tells him.

"Okay, got it. I'll go get ready now." Zhang Hao rushes to his room. Jiwoong just stands there for a little while, hoping he won't regret what he's going to do later.


"Zhang Hao, you made it." Matthew smiles at him when he sees him. "And I see you brought some friends."

"Yeah, these are my friends Gyuvin and Taerae."

"Nice to meet you guys. Now come in. The party has just gotten started."

They all walk in and Taerae notices Matthew looking at Zhang Hao with heart eyes, which makes him get a confused look on his face.

Zhang Hao knows he should be working on his mission right now, but he'd rather do it later on. Hanbin has started talking to him a little more, but he's still being too complicated right now and doesn't even want to be his friend.

"Would you like a drink?" Matthew asks him since Gyuvin and Taerae walked away from them.

"Oh, I don't drink... But if you have soda, then sure."

"Don't worry. Of course we also have soda." He walks towards the kitchen.

Zhang Hao looks around at the people in the house and notices some of them are from his school. Or maybe they all are, but he just hasn't had the chance to meet them yet.

Matthew comes back with the drinks after a while and hands the soda can to Zhang Hao. "Thanks." Zhang Hao takes it from him and immediately notices how Matthew's looking at him. Zhang Hao just nervously smiles and takes a sip from his drink.


Gyuvin and Taerae walk around the house, not knowing where to go. The only reason they came to the party was because Gyuvin wanted to see Ricky and Taerae wanted to make sure Gyuvin didn't do anything he shouldn't since he's basically new at this again.

"Wait, isn't that him?" Gyuvin asks Taerae when he spots a blond guy in the crowd.

"Yeah, that's him. It looks like he's having fun." Taerae tells him since Ricky is on the dance floor.

"Could I go talk to him?" Gyuvin asks him. "I have to write his destiny but it doesn't really feel right since I don't know anything about him. It doesn't feel right to decide what should happen in people's lives, especially if you don't know the person and what they like."

"You can talk to him, but I don't recommend it." Taerae tells him.

"Why not? Zhang Hao can talk to Hanbin."

"Yeah, but his mission's different. Zhang Hao's mission is to make Hanbin happy. Yours is to find Ricky a lover, which can't be you, by the way. Yeah, sure... Zhang Hao still can't fall for Hanbin, but your mission is-"

"Why would I fall in love with Ricky though? I don't even know him. Can't I just want to become friends with someone?"

"You've only been on the job for a few days. Just wait a little longer before you approach him."

"Okay fine." Gyuvin gives up.

Taerae looks around and ends up seeing Zhang Hao with Matthew.

'Why's Matthew acting like this?' Taerae thinks to himself when he sees how Matthew's acting with Zhang Hao. It looks like he likes him, but why?

After a while, Taerae turns back to them and his eyes widen when he sees Matthew's leaning in to kiss Zhang Hao.

"Jiwoong, why aren't you doing anything?" He quickly gets up to try and stop them, but before he can get there, they're interrupted by someone else.

"Oh sorry, did I interrupt something?" Hanbin asks them. Zhang Hao's eyes widen as he can't believe Hanbin's here right now. He's also shocked about what was about to happen with Matthew... because for some reason... he couldn't move.

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