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'So he does want to be friends with me.' Zhang Hao thinks to himself. At least now he won't feel like he's annoying him.

"Okay, so since you don't like parties, what do you like to do for fun?"

Hanbin thinks about it for a while. He doesn't want to get close to Zhang Hao, but he also doesn't want to seem like a bad person for not talking to him.

"I used to like dancing." Hanbin replies.

"Used to?" Zhang Hao asks, curiously. "Not anymore?"

"No." Hanbin shakes his head.

Zhang Hao looks down at the book and sees Hanbin's thoughts are appearing again.

'Hanbin used to like dancing... that was when Minsoo was still alive. That was their thing. They both used to film dance covers together.

But now whenever he even thinks about dancing, he thinks about Minsoo and that tragic day that took him away from him.'

Zhang Hao looks away from the book and up at Hanbin. He kind of feels like he's invading his privacy, but how else is he supposed to write his destiny without looking at the book?

But so... was Hanbin there when Minsoo passed away?

Zhang Hao knows he can't just ask that, so he changes the subject instead. "Are you really sure you don't want to go to the party? Matthew invited me and I can most definitely bring a plus one."

"Matthew?" Hanbin finally looks up at Zhang Hao. He had been looking down at his lunch tray the whole time.

"Yeah... do you know him?"

"Not really. We talked once before... He's also in my math class, so I heard him talking about it."

'I guess Jiwoong did end up changing Matthew's math class after all.' Zhang Hao thinks to himself.

"Right... in our math class." Zhang Hao nods.

"I heard his parties always end up with drunk people fighting."

"Where did you hear that?"

"His friend Ricky was talking about it." Hanbin tells him.

"Wow, you really do hear everything, don't you?" Zhang Hao smiles. "But it's fine, I can take care of myself."

"Zhang Hao, hey." He hears a voice behind him and sees Matthew and his friends.

"Oh, hey." Zhang Hao waves at him.

"And you're Hanbin, right?" Matthew asks him.

"Yeah, that's me."

"Are you guys coming to my party tonight? You totally should. You're new here so this would be a perfect opportunity to make some friends."

"Yeah, I'm definitely going." Zhang Hao nods. This could be a really good distraction for him.

"What about you, Hanbin?" Gunwook asks him. "I know you didn't want to be friends with us last time, but I think we could definitely get along."

"I don't really like parties." Hanbin tells them.

He feels like he's being rude. He knows they just want to be friends with him, but he doesn't want to get too close to anyone.

"Think about it, alright?" Matthew gives him and Zhang Hao a flyer. "This is the address. All the information is there, so hopefully you can make it." They all walk away, leaving Zhang Hao and Hanbin alone again.

Zhang Hao looks down at the flyer and can't help but laugh. They're handing out flyers? It seems a little extra. The flyer looks so bland. What's the point of making one if all it's going to have is the address?
There's absolutely no color on it and all it says is 'Matthew's party' and the address.

"Wow, they definitely need a new person to make their flyers." Zhang Hao says and notices Hanbin laugh a little.

This is the first time Zhang Hao has seen him laugh.

Zhang Hao looks at him and can't help but smile as well.

Because for some reason, Hanbin's laugh made him feel a little happier.

And he's determined to make Hanbin so happy that he will never wipe that smile off his face.

He wants to complete his mission.

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