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"We're home!" Zhang Hao opens the door and he and Gyuvin walk in. "Taerae, why'd you leave? We were looking everywhere for you. Then we called Jiwoong and he said you were here."

"Yeah, I wasn't feeling well." Taerae tells them as he's now sitting on the couch.

"Why? What's wrong?" Zhang Hao rushes towards him. "Wait, were you crying?"

"What? No." Taerae quickly wipes his tears away.

"What's wrong?" Gyuvin asks, worriedly. "I know I'm new so you guys probably don't trust me yet, but I'm a good listener." He sits down next to Taerae.

That makes Taerae cry even more. One of your best friends not remembering you has to be one of the worst feelings.

"Taerae..." Zhang Hao frowns and pulls him in for a hug as he rubs his back. "It's going to be okay."

After a while, Taerae ends up falling asleep. "We should take him to his room." Gyuvin tells Zhang Hao.

"He just fell asleep. Let's wait a few more minutes."

"Oh, okay. I'll be right back." Gyuvin tells him before walking towards his room.

Ever since Gyuvin came back not remembering anyone, the atmosphere in the house has been terrible.

Taerae isn't really asleep, but he didn't really feel like talking to anyone, nor he felt like getting up to go to his room, so he had to fake being asleep.

He's been feeling terrible these days, so he thought the party would be a good distraction for him, but it was the complete opposite.

These days Jiwoong's always locked in his room and only comes out when he feels like it. He can't have normal conversations with him ever since Gyuvin forgot about them.

"I know you're not really asleep." Zhang Hao rubs Taerae's back. "It's okay, you don't have to say anything. I can't even imagine what you're feeling, I'm so sorry. It must be really hard for you, but I want you to know that I'm here, okay? I was pretty new myself before that happened to Gyuvin, but we've all gotten super close in this short time, haven't we?"

Taerae just nods his head, but doesn't say anything as he feels more tears roll down his cheeks.

"So you know you can trust me, okay? I'll always be here for you. I won't fail my mission." Zhang Hao tells him.

"Do you promise?" Taerae sits up.

"I do, I promise." Zhang Hao nods and smiles, wiping Taerae's tears away.

"That's what you said before."



Hanbin sits down on the couch and sighs. He just got back from the party and doesn't know how to feel. He hadn't been to a party in so long.

Last time he went to one, he was there with Minsoo.

He still misses him every day and can't help but blame himself for what happened. He knows he shouldn't feel this way, but he can't help it. Everyone from his last school made him believe bad luck follows him.

Which is why he doesn't know what he was thinking when he decided to go to that party. Why did he accept to become Zhang Hao's friend?

"I'm an idiot." Hanbin sighs. "What if he gets hurt because of me?" He shakes his head. "No, don't think like that anymore."

Just as he's about to get up to take a shower, he gets a text.

Stay away from Zhang Hao

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