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"Hey Hanbin!" Zhang Hao calls out for him when he sees him walking in the hallway. Hanbin stops walking and turns to him.

"Hey." He waves at Zhang Hao

"Did you like the party yesterday? I know I left kind of early but I was worried about my friend."

"How is he by the way? Did you find him?"

"Yeah, he had gone back home. He's okay."

"That's good." Hanbin tells him. "And the party was okay. Parties aren't really my thing, but Matthew and his friends went up to me shortly after you left. I was there for around twenty more minutes."

"Oh, I see you've started making friends." Zhang Hao smiles. "I haven't been friends with Matthew for too long, but he seems like a good person. I'm glad you two are closer now."

"Yeah, he and his friends asked me if I wanted to be their friend a few days ago and I rejected them back then so I felt bad... but I agreed to give them a chance now."

"Well... since you also agreed to be my friend, how about we go somewhere after school? Or do you have plans?"

"I kind of have to study for a test. My grades aren't too good right now, so I'm afraid I'll end up failing my classes."

"Does that have to be today?" Zhang Hao frowns. "But yeah, I should probably study too. We can make plans some other time."

And that's true. Zhang Hao has only been back to school a few days ago and his grades are really bad. If he had good grades when he was living his normal life, it's no use now since he doesn't remember anything he learned.

They stay quiet for a while until Hanbin speaks up. "Do you want to study together then?"

"Really?" Zhang Hao is shocked. It seems that Hanbin really is starting to warm up to him. "Sure. Where?"

"We could go to the library. I just have to go home and get some books I didn't bring."

"Is your house far away from the library?"

"It's around a twenty minute walk." Hanbin tells him.

"Well, why don't we study at your house instead? Walking back and forth would just be a waste of time, don't you think?" Zhang Hao asks him. If he agrees, that would mean he really is warming up to him. While reading his destiny book, Hongjoong saw that he has never let anyone in his house after what happened to Minsoo.

"It's kind of a mess right now."

"If that's the problem, it's okay. I live with really messy roommates."

"Let's just meet up at the library. I'll see you after school." Hanbin waves before walking away from him.

Zhang Hao frowns. This really is harder than he thought. But he shouldn't complain. After all, he now knows Jiwoong's and Gyuvin's missions... and they're way worse.

As he's on his way to class, he sees Matthew, Ricky, and Gunwook walking his way. "Hey Zhang Hao." Matthew waves at him. "When did you leave yesterday? I was looking for you."

"Yeah, sorry... I had to leave since I was looking for a friend of mine."

"By the way, who was the dark brown haired boy you were with?" Ricky asks him.

"Dark brown haired boy?" Zhang Hao thinks for a while. "You mean Hanbin?"

"No, I know Hanbin. I mean the other guy you were with at the party. You left together."

"Oh... you mean Gyuvin? He's a friend of mine."

"Does he go to this school?"

"Not yet, but maybe soon."


"Oh... he moved here not too long ago, so he still hasn't enrolled in a school."

"Oh... interesting." Ricky smiles. "I really hate to be this kind of person, but I don't see there being a chance of me seeing him again soon, so could you introduce us to each other? I saw he was watching me yesterday but when I was about to go up to him, you took him away."

"Oh..." Zhang Hao freezes in his spot. What is he supposed to do now? They can't be together. Gyuvin can't disappear forever. "Oh, you're interested in Gyuvin?" Zhang Hao frowns. "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but he's the biggest heterosexual man I've seen in my life! He loves women!! Like I'm telling you! He's getting married soon, actually."

"Really? Married? How old is he?"

"He's young but in love. Can you blame him?"

"Oh really? That's a shame." Ricky frowns. "Well okay."

"So do you have any plans after school?" Gunwook asks Zhang Hao.

"Oh, I'm going to the library. Some tests are coming up that I need to study for."

"Do you need help with any subject?" Matthew asks him. "My grades have been going up lately."

"Yeah, if you need help just ask us." Gunwook agrees.

"No, that's okay. I'm studying with Hanbin, but thanks."

"Well, okay. We should get to class. It's getting late."

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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