Pool Day

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One of Paisley and Olive's favorite things about your home was the backyard, they loved playing on their playset and running around. It was the main reason you and Jack chose the home, so that your kids could have a large backyard to play in. Specifically though, their favorite part of the backyard was the pool you and Jack had built. With Jack traveling less over the summer, that meant alot of your days were spent out in the pool. Both girls had been begging to go swimming since they woke up and you told them as soon as Hayden woke up from his first nap of the day.

As soon as Hayden woke up, Paisley and Olive reminded you of your promise, so while you fed and got Hayden changed, Paisley and Olive chose matching pink floral swimsuits, Paisley getting changed herself while Jack helped Olive get her swimsuit on. Jack then took Hayden so you could get changed, you changed and tied your hair up before taking Hayden and the girls into the backyard while Jack got changed.

"Mommy, can we get in the pool now?" Paisley asked.

"Wait for Daddy to finish changing and come out okay? One of us still needs to hold Hayden because he's too little to swim by himself." You explained, and Paisley nodded. Hayden was only two months old, and while you didn't let him in the pool for long, only a few minutes at a time, he loved it. You and Jack only felt comfortable if both of you were in the pool with all the kids though, one holding Hayden and the other focused on the girls.

Jack came out of the house a couple minutes later, and it didn't take long until you were all in the pool. Olive had put her floaties on while she was waiting, even though both girls had taken swim lessons and she could swim, she still preferred to use her floaties most of the time, and since she was only four years old, you and Jack felt more comfortable with her having them on too. Paisley preferred to swim without them since she was a stronger swimmer and older.

Jack took Hayden from you, bouncing him so his feet would splash in the water, making him kick his legs, splashing the water even more, making cooing sounds as he smiled.

Olive swam over to where Jack was holding Hayden.

"Daddy?" She asked.

"Yes Olive?" Jack asked, looking over at her.

"He likes it?" Olive asked and Jack nodded.

"Yeah, Hayden loves swimming with us." Jack said as Jack continued to splash his legs into the water.

"Sadie swim with us?" Olive asked, if there was anyone who liked swimming more than the girls, it was your dog sadie.

"When Hayden gets out Mommy or I will let Sadie out okay?" Jack said.

"Okay." Olive said before swimming back over to Paisley. Olive and Paisley wanted to play mermaids, so that's what they did for a while until Hayden started to get fussy. Once Hayden got fussy, you took Hayden from Jack and got out of the pool, immediately wrapping him in a towel and holding him extra close so he didn't get cold.

"Mommy, let Sadie out!!" Paisley yelled from the pool.

You got up from the pool chair and went to the back door, and as soon as you opened it, Sadie ran out of the door. Once Sadie saw Jack, Paisley, and Olive in the pool, she ran up to the edge, wagging her tail, waiting to jump into the pool. As soon as Jack gave Sadie permission to jump into the pool, she did, splashing the water, making both girls shriek as the water splashed them.

They convinced Jack to play mermaids with them, Sadie being the shark they had to swim away from. You threw one of Sadie's toys into the pool for her to chase before continuing to calm Hayden down. He just didn't want to be in the water anymore and he was getting hungry so after you fed him he calmed down.

After a while of playing mermaids, they got bored of that, and decided to play with Sadie, taking turns throwing her toy while the other tried to swim faster than Sadie to the toy. Luckily Sadie wasn't protective of her toys, so she found the game just as fun.

Jack sat on the edge of the pool, close enough that he was there if he was needed. You joined him, sitting with your legs in the pool, Hayden, who was now asleep, in your arms.

"I always dreamed of this." Jack said.

"Not your rap career?" You teased and Jack laughed.

"Well, that too. But I always wanted this. A wife, kids, a dog, my own family to spend my time off with. My time off would be boring without you and the kids, hell, even my time spent working would be boring if it wasn't for all of you." Jack said.

"I always wanted this too. It just makes it better that it's with you." You said, leaning over slightly to kiss Jack.

"I'm the lucky one. Anyone who thought you might be trapping me with a baby when you got pregnant were wrong, I was the one trapping you" Jack joked, making you laugh.

"I love you."

"I love you too." Jack said, this time he leaned over to kiss you.

"Daddy, come play fish with us!" Paisley said, her and Olive swimming over to you too.

"How fish and mermaids can be two separate games, I'll never understand." Jack whispered to you, you laughed as Jack got back into the pool to play with Paisley and Olive again.

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