New Sibling Reaction

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You and Jack had been talking about having another child for a little while, and towards the end of the Come Home The Kids Miss You tour, you found out you were pregnant. Of course, you told Jack right away, he was with you when you took the pregnancy test, but you wanted to wait to tell Paisley and Olive until you told your family and friends. Not because you didn't want to tell them, but you didn't trust their ability to keep a secret.

It took a couple weeks, but now you were finally ready to tell the girls. You had sat the girls down on the couch, handing them a present, you and Jack sitting across from them.

"Okay, you can open it now." You told them, Jack resting his arm around your waist. The girls excitedly opened their present, finding three stuffed animals. One said it was for Paisley, one said it was for Olive, and the third didn't have a name. Paisley picked hers up out of the box and handed Olive hers.

"Thank you!" Olive smiled, getting up off the couch and running over to you and Jack to hug you.

"Who's the other one for?" Paisley asked, taking it out of the box and looking at it.

"For the baby in Mommy's stomach." Jack told them.

"I'm going to be a big sister again?" Paisley asked excitedly.

"Yeah." You smiled. "You're going to be a big sister too Olive." You told her and she looked at you and Jack.

"Big sister?" She asked and Jack nodded.

"Yeah, just like Paisley is your big sister, you're going to be the baby's big sister." Jack explained, and Olive immediately got tears in her eyes.

"I don't want to be a big sister." She said.

"You'll like being a big sister. I like being your big sister." Paisley told Olive and Olive shook her head.

"I like being the little sister." Olive said. Olive liked being the baby of the family, she didn't want to change that.

"You'll still be Paisley's little sister. You'll just have a little brother or little sister too." Jack told her.

"You get to be Paisley's little sister, and a big sister at the same time." You tried to reason with her.

"I don't want a little brother." Olive said.

"Well, we don't know if the baby is a boy or girl yet, but we'll find out soon." You said and Olive pouted before carrying her stuffed animal to her room. Jack got up to follow her, but you stopped him.

"Just give her a few minutes, she'll be okay. She just needs a minute." You told him and Jack nodded, kissing the top of your head.

"I'm excited to be a big sister again!" Paisley said, hugging you. "The baby is in your tummy?" Paisley asked, looking up at you and you nodded.

"Yeah, do you remember when Olive was in my tummy?" You asked Paisley.

"A little bit, I remember her moving and I could feel it, it felt funny. Can I feel this baby yet?" Paisley asked and you shook your head.

"Not yet, the baby isn't quite big enough for that yet." You said and she nodded.

"I'm going to go put my stuffed animal in my room." Paisley said before walking towards her room. You and Jack nodded, before leaning back on the couch.

"I'm glad we don't have to hide it from them anymore." Jack said, looking over at you.

"Me too." You smiled softly as Jack rested his hand on your stomach. "I think Olive will be okay once she understands a little more." You said, and Jack nodded.

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