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Halen's POV:

I had hardly slept last night, I opened my eyes and the sun was getting ready to rise. I got dressed and wrapped the shawl that Coriolanus gave me around my shoulders. I looked at my bag but my house was on the way out of the District so we could just stop by on our way through.

I walked out of the door and tugged at the shawl, it was rather cold this morning as I made my way towards the heart of the District. It took me a while to get to the hanging tree since I had to try and avoid patrols, the peacekeepers weren't too fond of women and children out and about before a certain time. Only men could be out since they were heading to the mines around this time.

I stood behind the hanging tree and the sun was completely up now. I heard footsteps and peeked around the tree to see Coriolanus, when he saw me he stopped walking for a moment. I walked over to him and pulled him into a hug, he hugged me back and sighed, "Are you okay?"

He nodded, "Yeah, are you?"

I nodded but then shook my head, "I'm scared,"

He smiled faintly, "Don't be, everything is going to work out, I promise,"

I smiled back and took his hand before we began our journey. We walked through the gravel pits and the meadow before we finally reached the woods. Coriolanus had been rather quiet the whole walk, well, we both have been. "Are you thinking about Sejanus?"

"I just wish there's more that I could have done," He replied, "I'm sorry you have to leave this place,"

"Yeah, I'll miss the Covey. I hope they'll follow me someday, though,"

"You know what I won't miss?"

"What's that?" I asked.


I nodded, "Yeah, but people aren't so bad, at least most of them aren't. Not really, it's what the world does to them, like all of us in the arena. I think there's a natural goodness born into us all."

Coriolanus only replied to that with a scoff.

I smiled at him, "No, really. You can either cross that line into evil or not, and it's our life's work to stay on the right side of that line,"

"I don't think it's always that simple,"

"Mmm, I know. I'm a victor. Sure, will be nice not to have to kill anyone else up north, though, huh?"

"Three's enough for me," My heart sank and I turned to look at him, "I'm gonna make a walking stick. You want one?"

"Wait, you've killed three? Who's the third?" I asked as he messed with his thumb. 


"The person you killed, Coriolanus. You said you killed three people but I only know about two. Please don't lie to me,"

He walked over to me still trying to get the splinter out of his thumb, "Can you help me get this out?" I looked at him and then at his thumb and yanked the splinter out, Coryo groaned and pulled his hand back to his body. "Thanks,"

"Now that I've helped you, tell me the truth. There was Bobbin in the arena and Mayfair. Who's the third?" Coriolanus paused and I set my hand on his cheek, "Before you think of a lie to tell me, just know that I'm not going to judge you, I just want the truth,"

He nodded and turned away from me, "I-I messed up,"

I set my hand on his back, "It's okay,"

He shook his head and turned back to me, "I killed Sejanus," He blurted out and I could see the hurt in his eyes.

"Wait, what? I-I'm sure you're just blaming yourself,"

He shook his head, "No, he is dead because of me,"

"Coryo, come on, it's not like you strung him up,"

"I may as well have. I-I was the one that recorded him. He was conspiring with the rebels and I thought that he was going to get brought back to the Capitol since his dad is so wealthy with a military discharge, I didn't know they would kill him! I also knew that if I didn't report it and he left that I would be their first target which is fine but the only other person I've talked to in this damn District is you and the last thing I needed was for them to go after you and for you to get killed. I didn't mean for any of this to happen, I'm so sorry,"

I wiped away his tears and I could hear in his voice that he meant every word of what he said. He was telling me the truth, "Hey, it's okay, you didn't mean for things to end this way, I understand that. Thank you for telling me the truth,"

He looked so ashamed and I understood to a point, this is how I felt when I killed Dill. I wasn't going to turn my back on Coriolanus now, he has done so much for me and I couldn't turn away now or ever. I pulled him into a hug and it was definitely what he needed in that moment. He set his hand on my chin and had me look up at him, "Thank you,"

I nodded and took his hand, "Come on," It was another silent walk, "Hey, try not to worry about it, everything is going to be okay. Besides, it's a known fact that snow lands on top. I'm going to help you figure this out," Coriolanus stopped walking and I turned to face him. He had a surprised look on his face, "What?" I asked.

"I-I used to say that to my cousin, Tigris when things would be tough to boost confidence,"

I smiled, "That 'snow lands on top'?"


"I like that and it's very fitting for you," He smiled back and I felt rain droplets hit my skin, "We're close to my house, we can stop there if you want, I have to stop there and grab my bag anyways,"

He nodded, "Good idea, we can wait out the storm. Let's catch some fish while we're here," Coriolanus opened the door and looked inside before stepping aside to let me in, he set his hand on my shoulder as I passed and I smiled, "I forgot how nice it was here,"

"If you want to fish, there's rods under the floorboards,"

He set his bag down and walked further into the room. The floorboards creaked and Coryo looked at me, "These ones?"

"Yeah," He knelt down and lifted the floorboards, things were rather silent for a moment but then Coriolanus chuckled before turning to look at me, "What is it?"

He stood up and revealed what he held in his hands, my breathing hitched, "It's the gun,"

Thunder rattled the room, "The one you fired at Teagan?"


My heart started racing, "I-I guess Spruce knew about this place. If we destroy that gun, you're free. You can go back home. Will you?"

He nodded, "As long as you'll still come with me,"

I smiled faintly, "Of course," I was trying to control my breathing but I couldn't anymore as thunder shook the small cabin once more, "I-I'm just gonna go dig up some katniss. There's a good patch down by the lake," I said scrambling to grab a handheld shovel.

"I thought it was too early for that,"

"The world changes rather fast," I said and pulled the door open.

"Halen," I stopped and looked at him, managing to keep these last few breaths under control, "It's still raining,"

I smiled, "Well, I'm not made out of sugar," I stated before stepping out of the cabin. My heart was racing and I rushed down to the water letting the raindrops land on my face, I dropped the shovel and heaved for air. I just couldn't let him see me like this, not again...

Real or Not Real? ~Coriolanus Snow AUWhere stories live. Discover now