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Finally, it was the day of the gala, and everyone was running around like chickens without heads. Luca instructed them all to have their shit together the day before, but no one ever listened to him. He only wanted the night to go smoothly and was afraid something unwanted would happen tonight. As far as he knew, they had no enemies, but it didn't stop anyone from trying. It was a big night, and they had invited mafias from all over the world to join them, so it was bound to have some drama somewhere, and it made him nervous. Nothing has gotten to him lately, but this did. They had lost so much, and he couldn't take another person dying on his watch.

"Damn, look at that sexy ass man there! Can I have a taste?"

"Vic, get your pet rat—"

"You muthafucka!" Luca gave Nova a big smile as she tried and failed to hit him with her purse while Victor held her back. He loved the woman, but she loved to dish out shit but couldn't handle it if someone said something back to her. "Nov, calm down. You're looking quite beautiful yourself tonight."

"Oh, you really think so? Damn, I knew I was fucking sexy. I told you would have men dropping at my feet, Babe." Victor could only shake his head as his wife suddenly changed his mood, but they all knew what type of person Nova was. She was crazy, beautiful, and smart, but most of all, she was their family, and they all loved her. Luca wouldn't dare try to change her after all these years, but he still loved to get her worked up.

"Where's my Liebe?"

"Last I saw, she was with Par, Vi, and one of her sisters. I think she was going to help one of your grands with their dress." Victor spoke, pausing for a moment to look around for some odd reason, but when he went to speak again, they were rudely interrupted.

"What's up, you ugly muthafuckas... except you Auntie. You know you are always beautiful even though you're crazy as fuck." Again, Nova smiled, giving Elijah a spin while Luca hoped she would fall on her ass, but instead, she ran over to his son, jumping in his arms causing Eli to quickly put her back down shaking his head. "Yo, I'm not Unk... that didn't feel right. Damn, you two clean up nicely."

Quickly, Luca stepped forward, feeling his son's forehead. "Get your nasty ass hands off me, Ape man!" Maybe Luca was wrong. He thought he was feeling under the weather or maybe hit his head a little too hard the week before in their game of hide and seek. "I needed to ensure you were feeling well for tonight."

"Of course, I'm well. Damn, I can't compliment you? I was trying to be nice, but you wanted to be the big jackass that you are... please tell me everything is in order. I don't know if I can handle losing anybody tonight, Dad."

Luca understood his worries. He had the same one but was sure everything would run smoothly. They had to believe it, or something bad would slip through the cracks. Luca wasn't big on superstitions, but when you thought about something long enough, it came true. However, it was always the bad stuff. That was something he could never fully understand, but he had a good feeling about tonight. Normally, his feelings were always right.

"Stop worrying yourself, son. Nothing bad is going to happen, but you're too fucking big to be running to your Dad every time you feel scared."

"Hold the fuck up nigga. I never said I felt scared—"

"I think he did. Didn't you hear what I heard, Lu? Your baby boy is scared and needs to hold his Daddy's hand." Teasing Elijah never went well. He had an ill temper, a bad mixture of him and his mother, and he always resulted in violence. Lucky for Luca, when he hugged the boy, he took his favorite toy, but it didn't stop him from pushing his uncle, while Victor laughed.

"Somethings never change. Come on so we can get this night done and over with... tell me, have you seen any of the paintings your sister done?"

"No, she says they has to be a surprise, but you know if Kamaria did them. They're going to be great..."

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