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"Let's go back to the bedroom it's time to sleep!"

His voice almost seemed like a command and it kinda scared me but I wanted to hear it more I guess.

I went to the guest room to sleep but it was almost impossible because I was just so scared after watching to horror movie. So I decided to so to Justin.

I was standing in front of his room debating whether to go in or not bit then mustered all my courage and knocked on the door.

"Come in"

His voice sounded ten times sexier that it usually is maybe because he was asleep.

"Um....well...Can I.....sleep with you....I'm kinda scared honestly because of the movie"

"Oh it's okay come here"

I quietly moved on the bed keeping a fair distance between us but as I closed my eyes I felt a hand on my waist and Justin pulled me closer to him tightly holding me in his grip.



And then we slept with him holding me tightly and unlike other days I fell asleep really quickly.

《《《In the morning》》》

I felt warm and it seemed like a hard yet comfortable something beneath me as I tried to get up I realised something was holding me back and then I realised that I was sleeping on Justin's bare chest and he was holding me close and tight from my waist. Our faces were inches apart and I could feel his soft breaths too.

His suddenly held me tighter and started to slowly open his eyes. I stared to pretend I just woke up so he doesn't know I've been staring at his face for so long.

"Good morning baby boy"

Did I hear that right!!!!?????
I was flushed red just as he said that.
And he even said it in his sexy morning voice!!!!

"G-good morning"

"Did you sleep well?"



I wonder who is calling me and I don't really get called a lot.

"Hello cutie good morning!"

"Oh good morning Alex"

"Well I was thinking maybe we could go out today since its weekend.....if you're free that is!"

"When do we go?"

"How about 2:00pm?"

"Okay then send me the location I'll be there"

"Okay then...can't wait to see you....bye cutie"


I was about to put my phone and get out of bed when I was pulled back and in the blink of an eye Justin had pinned my hands on the bed and was hovering above me.

"What the hell was that?"

He said that in his commanding voice and he did not look happy at all.

"What was what?"

"Where are you two going?"

"Oh me and Alex? We're going on a dat-"

Before I could finish it he slammed his lips against my neck and started sucking and kissing and bitting it.

"Ngh...J-justin w-what are you d-doing?"

He did not hear anything I said and just then he bit somewhere on my neck that made me moan loudly


"Found it!"

He kept teasing me over that part for sometime and then he decided to spare me finally!

"What was that for!"

I ran to the mirror in the bathroom to see my neck and there were many red bruises on my neck that could easily be seen by anyone!

"Like my art baby boy?"

"Firstly d-don't call me that and secondly why did you do it??!!!"

He moved closer that I could not move and placed both his hands beside my locking me with them then he moved his face closer to my neck and placed a gentle kiss.

"Baby boy you are mine and he should know that"

"W-what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that I'm coming with you to your  date"

He said making air quotation marks

"Come down I'm making breakfast"

And just then he left making me all confused and irritated.


We're at my house and I'm choosing what to wear to go out and Justin is right beside me not letting me wear something tight and exposing to to tease him I take out a crop top with some short shorts and fishnets.

"I think Alex will like this right?"

"Baby boy are you trying to seduce me?"

And I was slammed against the wall and my hands were pinned above my head and Justin started closing the space between us.


He still doesn't let me go instead he picks up the phone call and starts attacking my neck again holding the phone with one of his hands in front of my mouth

"Hello cutie I sent you the address you're coming right?"

Just as I was about to answer him Justin bit me on my sweet spot

"Mmphh.. yes A-alex I come s-soon"

"Are you okay is something wrong Noah?"

"Y-yes it's fine I'll be there bye Alex"

"What was that for?!"

"I don't know what you're talking about?"

Oh gosh I am starting to worry now

What will happen after we reach?

Will Justin do something like this again?
Will Alex get mad?

Uhhhhgggg what do I do???!!!


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