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I recently started internship at X company as a software developer and Justin started working at his dad's company. Everything's going great, we even moved in together. The company is nice as well and I get paid nicely too. Everyone is good except for this one man named Gary. He is in his mid-thirties and he is the team leader. He just does things that make me extremely uncomfortable like for example he stares at me up and down and gives me this disgusting smirk. Sometimes when he passes from beside me in an empty corridor he touches my fingers and sometimes even my butt.

One day in the meeting room after everyone was gone he stopped me saying he wanted to check some documents and got behind me rubbing himself on me and touched my hand to get the papers. One day after my presentation he personally came to me saying I did good and patted my shoulders and before going back he gave a pat on my butt again.

I always get annoyed because of him and I know that Justin knows something is going on. He sometimes even asks me about it but I always avoid answering him. I know he's already stressed out from work and I don't want him to worry more about me.


Justin has asked me to go in a date with him since its been a long time since we've been on one. I hope I don't have to interact with Gary today besides, my car has gone for servicing so Justin has dropped me to work and is going to pick me up later though I think he'll come soon and since I'm done with work for today i think I should go.

"Hey Noah! The team leader wants to see you in his cabin"

I see one of my co-workers comming towards me. Oh no!!

"Oh..ok I'll go"

Saying this I walk towards his cabin. I don't know why but I have a gutfeeling that something's gonna go really wrong this time. I enter his cabin and see him sitting on his chair closing his laptop. He is looking at me with pure lust in his eyes. He moves to the couch and pats the place beside him.

"Mr. Noah come take a seat"

"Why did the team leader want to see me?"

"Oh please call me Gary and don't worry it's not work related...I just wanted to have a good time with my co-worker"

"Sir if its not work related I'm gonna have to take my leave"

As I was about to leave he grabbed my hands and pulled me down on the couch and got on top of me. I tried to push him away but my attempts soon died as he pinned my hands above my head.

"L-let go of me...please...ahh"

"Sweetheart the fun has just begun"

He started to sniff me at the crook of my neck and sighed in satisfaction whereas I felt disgusted and helpless. I tried to scream but he gagged my mouth with his handkerchief. But then I felt his grip on my hand getting loose so I took the chance and hit him in th stomach with my knees.

He groaned in pain and I took my chance to run away. He was coming after me fast and I then got into a lift before he could come. I quickly got to the ground floor and started to run out of the building but then someone from behind grabbed my hand tightly making me wince in pain.

"Let go of me!!!"

"You little slut! How dare you act like that huh?! I'll show you your worth now!"

Saying that he started to drag me inside the building again but suddenly he got punched hard by someone and he fell to the ground and let go of my hand.


Justin started beating him crazily. I don't want him to kill him so I ran to him a nd hugged him from behind.

"Justin....stop please....I'm scared!"

I said in between my sobs. He suddenly froze and turned around and pulled me in his embrace.

"I'm so sorry baby I couldn't protect you earlier I'm sorry"

"Please let's just go now!"

"If you dare to even look at him again I'll make you regret your existence"

I've never seen him so angry before. He pulled in towards himself and walked to the car. After getting inside the car he placed his jacket on me and I could se a little yet drop escaping his eyes. He's always so strong it's all my fault.

"I'm sorry"

"Baby please don't say that it's not your fault it's all that bastard's doing don't blame yourself"

"I'm useless I always get myself in trouble and even you get dragged in with me"

"Here have some water...wait what is that!?"

He says pointing towards the bruise near my lips.

"He gagged me it must've happened then"

"He did what?!! know what wait in the car I'll go deal with him"

"Please let's just go...I..I can't stay here anymore"

The whole ride Justin tried to comfort me and make me feel better. I don't know what I did to deserve such a person in my life.
We reached home and the first thing he did was throw all my clothes in the trash. He even washed me up and cooked me good homemade meals. After dinner we now we are cuddled in our bed.

"If you're okay with it..can I ask about it?"

"He's the team all stared the day I joined the company...."




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