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"I know right" the boy said innocently but thus caused the prince to chuckle and then started laughing sweetly. He prince had not even smiled for once since months or even years but the action caused him to chuckle and even laughed. Why? Was the only question he asked himself. But right now he does not care about this question and only wants to spend time with this little sunshine in front of him.

The little boy takes the prince's hand and leads him ahead smiling. Just as he realises what he has done he quickly withdraws his hand back and looks down shyly while cutely muttering a sorry. The prince smiles gently and holds back the boy's hand. This causes his face to go red. The little male sits down on the soft green grass and invites the older one to sit beside him. The prince sits down feeling contented.

The prince slowly blinked he's eyes tiredly. "What is the matter my prince you seem tired" gently but worriedly asks the prince. "I'm just a little tired bunny don't worry" the little boy blushes at the new nickname and says "My prince if you want to..Please lie down and I can even massage your head for you" And pats on the ground but instead the prince lies down on the boy's lap making the boy startled.

This routine goes on for many days. The prince and Noah would stay together and spend time together. This leads to development of their relationship and soon both of them realise their feelings for each other.

One day when the prince is resting on Noah's lap when Noah sadly says "My prince I..I think i will not be able to come meet you" the prince gets worried "What's wrong sunshine did I do something wrong?" He says as he gets up worriedly. "Nothing is wrong my prince it's just...It's just that my family is conning back and..they won't let me go until every work they ask me to do is done...but don't worry about me...and when I'm away please take care of yourself...I...I...I have to go" he quickly gets up and starts to leave but the prince stops him by taking his wrist in his own hand. "Don't go! At least not now I promise...I'll think of something" the little boy agrees and the prince leads him to his horse and helps him climb up.

He climbs on the horse as well and sits behind the little boy and slyly touches his waist and reaches the harness of the horse making him flinch but still liking it. The horse gallops and Noah seems like an excited little child. "Sweetheart can I touch you?" The prince asks nervously and Noah blushes and shyly nods. The prince smirks and touches his waist and roams his hands up to his chest and slips his hands inside his shirt. He slowly glides his hand on his bare chest making the boy whimper he lightly pinches his buds and the little boy makes a sound "Ngh!". The prince smirks and moves to his neck and sucks his skin creating various marks. "M-my prince...Please don't l-leave marks...ah!" Cries the little boy looking like a mess. The prince holds both his hands with on hand and turns his face back catching his lips with his own.

The little boy moans in his mouth and the older male enters in his mouth discovering every bit of it. He wriggles his hands making the prince grip them more tightly and the other hand pinches his buds more powerfully. Seeing the boy had ran out if breath the prince withdraws his lips from the boy's making him breath heavily. "M-my prince I..I have to...go..Please...Please release me" he says shyly and the prince stops the horse and pulls down the boy with him and gets on top of him kissing him on the forehead. "Noah will you become my personal butler please...then...then you can come live with me please" he requests. "Really? Thank you I'll...I'll come" he beams.

Noah tells him parents about going to the palace to try to get a job but his parents think he's useless and that they won't hire him but still let him go. After a few days Noah writes to his family about getting hired and enters the palace as the prince's personal server/butler. The next few days were heavenly for the both. Every chance the prince used to get he would pounc on Noah. They cuddled, kissed and watched stars at night. Everytime the prince was stressed Noah used to help him relax. Everytime the prince used to go to the royal court Noah would help him dress up and get kissed in return. It's like they became a part if each other's life.

The prince did get jealous everytime anyone looked at Noah or talked to him but they never had any conflicts yet. Then the day of the royal ball approached. Everyone was busy in the preparations and since the prince was busy with some matters Noah also helped with the ball preparations. That evening Noah helped the prince to get dressed. The prince looked stunning and Noah couldn't help but admire his charm. Noah took the prince's hand and gave him a kiss.

The guests stared arriving and the prince was busy talking with different people who were all high end and sophisticated. Noah was at first just standing in the corner but then someone came and handed him a tray of wine glasses. He was then serving the guests with wine with a gentle cute smile. Soon all the glasses were taken and only one was left. Noah was about to go back to get more glasses when a man came in front of him and took the glass. Noah smiled at him and was about to leave "excuse me cutie" said the handsome man. "How can I help you sir" he says with a smile. "My name is Alexander may I know the name of this beauty standing in front of of me?" This comment makes Noah blush red and he says shyly "My humble name is Noah dear sir" Alexander takes Noah's hand and kisses it gently making the little boy become crimson. Meanwhile prince Justin is talking with a rather elegant and beautiful young lady who seems to be very interested in him. Though his attention is not on the pretty lady but instead on a young short boy blushing red with his hand being held by a tall handsome man.

Never has he ever felt this strong urge to end someone and then he watches the male's hand being kissed and this makes him become a hindered times more angry he politely excuses himself from the young lady who seems upset about him leaving her and marches to a certain someone with a scowl on his face but still maintaining his composure. He then sees the taller man taking his beloved's hand and going somewhere so he speeds up. Upon reaching the two he yanks the smaller male and gets him behind himself while the handsome young man in front of him watches the show with a smirk on his face.

"Stay away from him Alexander" he looks back at the little boy shaking with fear and commands him "Go back to my room..looks like you need a little teaching"




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