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"He's the team all stared the day I joined the company....His name is Gary. He...he harassed me everytime he got a chance...every...everyday he touched me inappropriately and"

"Shh..It's Okay it's okay I'm don't have to say further"

I started crying in Justin's chest before I knew. I know he was comforting me but he himself needed to be comforted.

"Please don't be sad Justin I'm...I'm okay see...nothing happened to me look"

He gave me a light smile and tightly pulled me to himself.

"Look Noah this is not normal...we can press charges against him..If you say-"

"Let's just sleep now...I'm tired...I'm sorry I ruined our plans for tonight"

"It's not your fault...I promise he'll pay for what he did to you!"

That night we slept holding each other very close, afraid to loose each other. I know he was angry and sad too.

The next day we told our parents about the thing. We also filed a complaint against him but the police says that the cannot do anything since he did not actually do anything to me yet.

I contacted the manager to discuss this issue and she said she totally understands and also allowed me to take a leave for the day. Justin told me not yo worry and that I won't see Gary the next day for sure. I don't know how but I do know that him and his family has like a lot connections. I'm really hoping I don't get to see him the next day.

Justin still had to go to work tho. He said he could stay with me but I told him not to do so and that I was fine. I really didn't want him to miss work because of me. The whole day I watched movies to calm myself but suddenly I fell on the couch because I lost balance and I reminded me.

"Noooo.....don't touch me....ahhhhh.....stopppp....Justin help me!!!"

I started to run towards our bedroom and started to cry. I just sat on the floor like that and then I saw Justin's white shirt lying on the bed. He must've accidently left it here since he was in a hurry.

I took the shirt in my hand and thought of him. I took off my clothes and put it on. It felt like him. I sighed in satisfaction and soon fell asleep.

"-up..wake up babe are you alright?"

"You're back...I missed you"

"Hmm I can see that"

He said while smirking and I realised 8 was wearing his shirt the realisation made me blush.

He said while smirking and I realised 8 was wearing his shirt the realisation made me blush

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"Hello ma'am"

"Noah there's something you should know"

"What's wrong miss?"

"Today I found out that Gary got arrested because apparently police found evidence against him dealing with and doing dr*gs!"

"What?! Really!"

"Yes that means you won't have to see him anymore!"

Miss Manager told me that Gary was arrested and I almost screamed in happiness. Wait, did Justin do it?

"Babe..Gary..He was arrested..did you.."

"How can I let my baby go in fear everyday huh?"

Tears came in my eyes blurring my vision. I ran and hugged Justin and he almost fell.

"Thank you"

"Don't say that again it's my duty to protect you princess"

He ruffled my hair and I roamed my hands on his back.


I'm going home from work and I think I should stop by the grocery shop cause I wanna buy somethings for tonight's dinner.
I spot one by the road and I park my car and enter it. After shopping I see Justin's text and I dial him. I go to the backseat of the car to put the stuff and leave the phone on the seat suddenly I feel two arms grab me from behind and press a piece of cloth on my mouth. I try to make as much noise as I could but I start to feel dizzy. I hope Justin picked up and heard. Everything goes black and I fall.

I feel weak and still dizzy as I slowly open my eyes. I'm unable to move as I feel duct tape restraining my hands and feet. I'm unable to make a sound as I feel the sticky duct tape on my lips. I've been kidnapped! But who?

"I see you've woken up you slut"


Oh no!

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