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"Go back to my room..looks like you need a little teaching"

Just as said by the prince Noah obediently goes back to the prince's chambers and sits down on the floor near the balcony as he does not dare to sit on the comfortable bed without the prince's permission. Meanwhile in the ball room the prince the glaring at Alexander for being so touchy with his butler. He's mine how dare he?! Thought Justin. He approaches Alexander with a cold angry gaze and even if he is almost erupting inside he tries to keep his cool. "Stay away from him" he says rather coldly but Alexander knows he is extreamly angry. "Possessive much huh?" he says in a mocking tone. "Yes I am because someone here tried to flirt with my possession!" he angrily says. "Tsk! Such a beauty us a waste in your hands anyways take care of him he looked scared, okay then I'll take my leave goodbye dear brother" he says as he turns back waving to the prince.

The prince informs his elder brother that he's not feeling well and goes back to his chambers stomping his feet angrily as he walked. He opens the door agrily making the little boy lying on the floor flinch. He goes near the boy and grips his arm and drags him to the nearby wall and slams him against it making Noah wince in pain. "What the hell do you think you were doing?!" the prince snapps at him and Noah is now almost about to shed tears. "M-my prince..please let me go...it hurts!" he says as he struggles but instead of letting go, Justin pins both his hands on the wall angrily hurting the poor boy.

"Your hand was completely fine when that bastard kissed it!" he snaps again. "Sir Alexander was just-" "F**k Noah don't say another man's name in front of me!!" Justin interupts. He massages his temples as he looks at the boy whimper. He lets go of his hands and carries him the the bed bridal style and lays him down and kisses his lips gently. All anger had vanishes inside him as he slowly kissed the smaller male and making him moan inside is mouth.

"I'm sorry Noah I kind of lost it when I saw you with him" the prince says as he lies beside Noah. "It's okay I understand my prince and don't worry" he says as he climbs on top of the prince seductively and removes his top "I'm. All. Yours" this was enough for the prince to get aroused. He switches their positions and gets on top of Noah taking off the smaller male's pants.

The next morning the prince wakes up due to the sunlight entering through the windows inside the room and melodious sounds of birds. He feels the presence of a light weighted body on his arms snuggled up in his chest and slightly parted lips. He smiles to himself how lucky am I he thought.

Just like this several summers, winters and rains passed. The couple went through sroching suns and dangerous storms together and developed their relationship and fell deeper in love with each other. Until one day he confesses his love for Noah to his elder brother. His brother his not sad that he fell in love with a man but because he knew the people in the kingdom will not be the same with him anymore. After the death of their parents the previous king and queen his brother Arthur is like a father to Justin. Everytime Arthur has made sacrifices and made sure Justin never lacks parent love.

"Are you sure about this? There is no comming back after this" Arthur asks concerned. "Yes elder brother my love for Noah is true and I will never leave him alone especially after all he has suffered before" Justin answers firmly. Arthur sighs and takes a seat on the big luxurious velvety chair. "Have you thought what to do now?"
"Yes brother there is something I've planned" says Justin and Arthur questions "Go ahead explain" "Elder brother I know that I have to get married to princess Alyssa of our neighbouring kingdom for political reasons and I also know that she does not love me or anyone for the fact because of her traumatic childhood and she only loves to spend time writhing poems and painting so I'll marry her and then run away with Noah to a kingdom far away and we will release the news that I was killed during an assassin attack" Arthur looks at Justin will a gentle smile and eyes full of love and tears brimming and hugs Justin. "My little brother  had grown so much..I'm Sorry Justin I couldn't be with you a lot of times I'm so sorry" he cries and Justin hugs him back "Don't say that brother I love you too and you've been there everytime I needed..you were like father to me after the death of our parents and I know that you'll manage the kingdom just well without me and don't worry I could visit you sometimes and even write to you"

The brothers had a tearful time that evening and soon Noah was also called and Arthur gave both of them his blessings. Soon Justin got married to princess Alyssa and he told her about the plan and she gladly accepted it. Soon the kingdom well in deep sadness as the news of prince's death was announced. Noah also bid farewell to his older brother for the last time and even told him about his plan to elope with his love though he did not mention about the prince. His brother was also happy that he could finally get a nice life.

Justin and Noah went to a kingdom far away and built their cozy house which wasn't too big or too small but just right for them. They also found a cute dog and kept it with them as if it is their child. Noah took care of the prince and their home whereas Justin began writting books and poems as a writter called Arthur because of which he became famous and started to earn well. They could even get married thanks to Alexander later on.

Today it has been several years of their happy married life. The couple is sitting in the backyard with their dog Thomas by their side. Justin places his hands on noah's waist and places a kiss on his forehead "I live you angel" he whisperes and Noah shyly replies "I love you too My Prince"


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