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3rd POV

It was finally the day when the love of Justin and Noah was going to be official for the world to see. It was finally their wedding day!!!

Justin's mom had picked them their outfits for the wedding. Justin was wearing a three piece black suite and Noah was wearing a black shirt with a white jacket. Both of them looked extremely good that day. Every one of their friends were invited even Alex came with his boyfriend named Joshua.

Alex was nervously standing at the end of the aisle fidgeting with his finger nervously smiling waiting for his beloved to finally come. Alex and his dad were standing beside him trying to calm him down.

Then the moment finally came. Noah was walking down the aisle with his hand in his dad's arm smiling shyly as he walked towards Justin. Both of them had tears of joy in there eyes not able to belive that it was actually happening. Holding his hands Justin says

"I, Justin Williams , take you Noah Jones  to be my husband , to have and to
hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in
sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

"I, Noah Jones  , take you Justin Williams , to be my husband, to have
and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in
sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

"Now you may kiss!"

Cheers erupt the place as Justin slowly pulls noah's lips into a loving slow and sweet kiss. Tears welled up in the parents' eyes. Clapping sounds fill the atmosphere of love. But all Noah and Justin could hear is each other's heartbeats. Pulling away from each other they smile and Noah places his head on Justin's chest smiling.

"Happy marriage Mr Williams"

Justin places his hands on the younger male's waist and kisses him on the forehead.

"Happy marriage too Mr Williams"

Extreamly eager to get down to business after the reception when everyone was gone both newly weds stumbled upon their bedroom that was decorated with candles and roses. Noah is all stiff as Justin impatiently kisses him everywhere.

His then picks him up still kissing his lips aggressively and throws him on the bed. He gets on top of him and starts to make marks in his neck as he reaches down to his pants to unzip them. Just then Noah stops his hands and lightly pushes him away while panting.

"What's wrong with you today baby why are you so stiff?"

"Haa..Justin take it slow it's our..first night"

"Are you sure it is tho?"

He blushes crimson at this comment. Justin continues his work as both of them enjoy every bit of it.


Three years later....

"We're gonna be late come on quickly guys"

"We're comming baby just a moment please"

"Come on now drive fast I don't want them to be late gain for the fourth time this month Justin!"

"Sorry baby you see they are very naughty just like you"

"Ugh jerk you focus on driving before a beat you up!"

"Okay okay I'll listen to my baby"

The car stops in front of a school and from the car comes out Noah and Justin with two little kids one boy and one girl.

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