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"Hey babe do you remember my friend Caleb he's come to the city and is asking to meet up since its been a long time we met do you wanna come?"

"Uh not you should go ahead yourself"

"Um are you sure you don't wanna come?"

"Yeah I'm sure anyways I do have a few things to do for your birthday"

"Okay then I'll be back in an hour or so"

He come and gives me quick kiss on the lips and waves me goodbye and leaves.Good! Now I'll have time for my preparations for the evening. Time to get my package!

I rush to our room and take out the package I've bought. So it's actually a cute and revealing maid outfit with a pair of cat ears and a pair of lace panties.

Ohhh god this is sooo embarrassing!!!!

I'm sitting on the bed wearing the whole outfit on looking at myself. But I think it looks kinda cute too!

Oh I forgot about the cake I left in the oven. I rush downstairs to check on it and it seems pretty well done. I start to decorate it with chocolate frosting and other things.

I hope Justin likes my surprise!

Okay so everything is ready now. My gift is ready. The cake is ready. I am also ready. And I think he should be back soon now. So I quickly start to decorate the place with candles and rose petals.

After sometime the whole place is decorated and just and I'm about the sit down I hear the doorbell

*ding dong*

Oh! Justin is here! I quickly rush to get the cake and open the door.

"Surprise!!! Happy birthday Justin!"

He just stands there and looking at him it seems as if his eyes are about to pop out of his sockets. His comes in and hurriedly closes the door.

"Babe is that you?"

"Yes it's me now quickly make a wish and blow out the candles!"

He quickly does so and then snatches the cake out of my hand and puts it on the table and flungs me over his shoulders.

"Hey! What are you...doing?! Put me down!"



"Shush! Don't move!"

He carries me to the bedroom and throws me down and because of which my panties are also exposed.

"Woah so this is my present!"

"Mmhm do you like it?"

"Babe you're looking hot as f**k!"

He gets on top of me and looks at me in the eyes. I've always been mesmerized by his deep stormy but sparkling eyes.

"Can I...Can I do something?"

"Justin I think we should eat first otherwise-"

"Can I do something?"

This time his voice is more commanding and deep.

"O-okay I guess we can just reheat the food later"

He gives me his evil smirk and quickly pulls out something from the drawer. He quickly ties my hands up on the headboard and blindfolds me with a silk cloth. Then he starts touching me all over and because of the blindfold I'm feeling even more sensitive to touch making me make various sinful noises.


"Look at you..I'm just touching you and you're getting so exited you little slut!"

I don't know why but his voice is making me even more excited and even if he called me a slut I don't feel even slightly offended but instead I'm even more turned on.

"Speak up little slut! Who do you belong to?!"

"I'm all yours master! Mmphh"

"I knew it even if you look so innocent but in reality you're just a little slut aren't you!?"

"Only..ahh..Only for you master!"

"I like the sound of that!"

He's touching me all over punching me at places making me a mess. I've never felt like this ever in my whole life. I'm feeling a ticklish sensation all over my body making me even more simulated. Suddenly Justin grabs my mouth up.

"Listen now you little slut you're gonna  serve me..your master everytime I ask you to got it?!"

"Yes Just- Master I understand!"

"Good! God I couldn't have expected a better present for my birthday! And you're mine you get it?!"

"Yes my master I'm all yours...forever!"

He gets his hands inside my dress and then in my panties and squeeze my cheeks making me moan loudly. I move my tied up hands as a reaction and then Justin tightenes the tie on my hands making me squirm beneath him.

He suddenly unties me and takes me to the bathroom and bends me over the counter in front of which there is a big mirror. Is that really me?! I am looking like a mess. I close my eyes to avoid looking at my embarrassing face but then Justin stops doing everything he was doing.

"Look at yourself baby, you're not gonna get anything if you don't behave so look!"

<Imagine what happened ahead yourself👀>



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