Chapter 34- I Love You Unexpectedly

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Riley was finishing her drivers dinner routine that night before she exited the bathroom her and Daniel were sharing. She saw Max standing there talking to Daniel, she hadn't heard from all day, no text, no call, he never swung by, and when Riley tried to see him earlier, he wasn't in his room. The air was hot with the tension arising between the two. Daniel excused himself when he saw Riley exit the bathroom and lay eyes on Max. With him leaving the room, Riley walks over to her bag, grabbing her heels and going to slide them on but stops when she see's Max pull something out of his pocket.

"You found it" Riley gasped while she watched Max hold up the lost necklace, trying to keep a frown from forming on his face. Riley put her heels back down, going to look at the necklace.

"It was behind my dresser" he said handing it over to her, watching as she goes to the mirror putting it on. "And sorry I didn't call today, I should've I just didn't know what to say"

"It's fine" she responded, "Really" she reassured him when she see's the uncertainty on his face.

"And you left a journal, I brought that too" he said, almost like he was preparing for the inevitable to happen between the two of them. He could feel the end in the air no matter how badly he wanted to keep her. "I'm sorry for taking the necklace"

"It's fine" she said, lying through her teeth, not wanting to think about it anymore. "We should probably go right?"

Riley watched as he nodded, finishing putting her heels on, the standing up, sliding her arm into Max's. They walking out of the room together and into the lobby, passing a couple drivers who were leaving at the same time as they were.

Getting into a car with Max, alone for once, not sharing it with anyone else. Just the two of them. Riley got into the passengers side, taking hold of Max's hand when he started driving. She felt some of the tension disburse when their fingers intertwined, when Max's thumb rubbed along side hers.

Arriving to dinner, Riley hopped out of the car, scanning the lot for Logan's but not seeing it anywhere. Walking in front of the car she waits for Max while he grab's his blazer. After sliding it on, he walked towards Riley, ceasing the moment; he took her face in his hands gently, looking her in the eyes, feeling her move closer, he connected their lips together. She smiled into the kiss, feeling something small between the two of them when they pulled apart.

"What was that for?" she smiled up at him.

"I love you" he said softly, his eyes looking into her's wanting to stay in that moment, save the moment forever.

"I-" Riley was cut off by the sound of a horn honking loudly as the car pulled up next to them. Their head's turn seeing Daniel get out of the car with Lando, who seemed more pissed than ever that night.

Riley felt Max's hand drop comfortably to her waist while she thought of what he said, waiting for Daniel and Lando to join them before walking into the restaurant behind them. Riley blocked out whatever it was that Daniel and Max were talking about, feeling a small smile play on her face before the nerves inside ate at her. He loved her and it scared her.

Taking a seat next to Max, she looks across the large table that everyone was gathering around, failing to see Logan. Her back facing the entrance, she looks over to Oscar, grabbing his attention she whispers across the table.

"Where's Logan" the only response she got from him was a shrug. She pushed her curiosity to the side when she felt Max's hand go to her thigh under the table, trying to regain a connection with her that he thought was fading away.

The night began slowly, and Riley started to feel something familiar in the air when more and more people arrived. Her stomach twisted with nerves for a reason unknown. The seat to her left staying empty for a moment until Daniel left where he was to take it.

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