Chapter 102- Club Heaven.

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Riley was in a truck with Josh the next day after a 7 hour flight. Riley was biting her thumbnail anxiously while she was looking out the window. She watched all of the trees go by swiftly as they headed to the hospital. Riley held in all of her tears, knowing Josie wouldn't want to see her puffy eyed.

She tried holding it together for Josie.

Riley closed her eyes as one singular tear rolled down her cheek. She took in deep breaths, trying to ignore that very soon, at any given moment, Riley will be living in a timeline that no longer had Josie in it. On top of that, where her privacy was no longer existing.

Josh pulled into the hospital parking lot. And they sat there for a moment. Riley put her head in her hands, mentally preparing herself to see Josie.

"Are you ready?" Josh asked, breaking the silence for the first time since he picked her up at the airport.

"Yeah" Riley said softly, lifting her head and exhaling. She got out of the car at the same time as him.

Riley followed Joshua into a hospital she's never been in with anxiety filling her every bone. She wanted to cry the first step she took in there, making everything feel more real than it has been. Joshua walked up to the front desk in the wing Josie was placed in, making sure they were okay to head back.

Josh guided Riley to Mrs Josie's room. Riley saw a glimpse of her, who for some reason had a smile on her face, looking the happiest she had been in a long time. Riley felt all of the air leave her lungs when she walked into the room, seeing Josie's eyes hit her.

"There's my girl" Josie said tiredly. Riley looked at her with a frown, feeling her lip quiver as she walked over to her, seeing her hooked up to different machines. "Don't cry" She told her as Riley sat down on a chair that was pulled up to her bedside, most likely from Joshua earlier that day.

"I missed you" Riley said, not knowing what to talk about, what she was supposed to do. She never got to say goodbye to Jonah, she didn't know how to say goodbye's. "I love you" Riley told her, feeling relief lift from her shoulders when those word's left her mouth.

It felt like she was taking care of unfinished business from years ago, not being able to tell Jonah she truly loved him before he left.

"I love you too Riley" Mrs Josie told her quietly, already knowing everything that she was thinking. "Joshua can you give us a moment alone" She asked him, hearing him mumble his response when he made his exit.

"I'll be waiting outside" He told them.

Mrs Josie held Riley's hand, seeing her hold in the tears that started to build up in her eyes. How she was chewing on the inside of her cheek to keep her lip from quivering any more. That was the only thing keeping her from crying.

"Riley" She whispered, seeing her eyes look up a her, causing a couple tears to spill out. "Honey whats wrong"

"Nothing" Riley said in a airy voice that was hard to hear while she shook her head. Her chest rose as she tried to take in a smooth breath.

"Tell me about life" Josie said, "Catch me up"

"I don't want to make this all about me" Riley told her, feeling the emotions of everything rush forth.

"I asked you to" Josie said, "Tell me," Mrs Josie started to think of a topic, knowing Riley wouldn't bring up anything that was bothering her, so she had to. "I hear you're trending on twitter"

Mrs Josie didn't mean to, but that pushed Riley over the edge. Riley leaned her head down slowly on both her's and Josie's hand. Josie brought her other hand to the hair on Riley's head, running her fingers through it one last time.

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