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"You're angry," 

"I know how to cheer you up," 


The return journey to Coccham stretched out ahead, its length daunting, especially now that Uhtred had committed to escorting Lady Aelswith and young Aethelstan safely to Bedwyn. This decision meant they were now part of our travelling party.

As we paused to set up camp, Uhtred found himself immersed in explaining to Stiorra the considerable distance yet to cover before reaching Coccham, while she voiced her complaints about the journey.

Amidst Stiorra's grievances, Lady Aelswith fervently engaged in her prayers, her voice rising above the camp's chatter. Meanwhile, exhaustion weighed heavily upon me, I dropped the firewood I was carrying, the clatter punctuating the air. 

Turning to Sihtric and Finan, "I am going to head in that direction to scream, ok?" I announced, eliciting snickers from both men.

Navigating through the trees, I hiked up my dress to avoid snagging it on stray branches, I didn't need any additional reasons to get annoyed. Finally, I found a secluded patch of grass, where I collapsed, running my hands through my hair, seeking a moment of peace.

As I rose from my moment of peace minutes later, intending to return to camp, a sudden halt seized me as I glimpsed figures encircling our site. With cautious steps, I retreated behind the shelter of a sturdy tree.

Haestan's voice pierced through, discussing a figure named Sigtryggr from Irland. A name I recalled from Ragnar or Cnut's tales.

I listened intently as Haestan outlined the plans. Sigtryggr and Brida had seized Winchester, and now Haestan intended to take Lady Aelswith, Aethelstan, and Stiorra captive. Though every fibre of my being urged me to spring forth and rescue Stiorra, I recognized the need for strategic restraint.

Haestan ordered his men to bind Uhtred, Finan, Osferth, Sihtric, and Pyrlig to the trees, condemning them to a slow death. He left behind four of his henchmen to ensure their fate, departing with Aelswith, Stiorra, and Aethelstan.

"Four against one doesn't sound bad," I muttered to myself, instinctively patting my body for my daggers, only to curse inwardly as I realized I'd left them behind while sharpening earlier. "Four against one without weapons, those odds don't sound good," I added grimly.

Emerging cautiously from the cover of trees, I witnessed Sihtric enduring the worst of the ordeal, his agitation obvious as he struggled against his bonds.

Retreating deeper into the woods, I steeled myself before unleashing a primal scream, the sound echoing through the silent forest. As my voice faded, footsteps intruded upon the solitude. "Lady, are you alright?" a gruff voice pierced the air.

His touch upon my shoulder triggered a swift reaction; seizing his hand, I swiftly flipped his body, catching him off guard. He retaliated, striking me in the mouth and abdomen. Yet, determination surged within me, seizing the axe strapped to his waist, I poised to strike, but he grasped at the bottom of my dress, tearing its fabric and sending me tumbling.

He loomed over me, hands closing around my throat, but instinct guided my actions, wrenching the axe from his grasp, I cleaved it across his throat, crimson spray painting the air as his life ebbed away. Pushing his limp form aside, I braced for the inevitable arrival of the other men.

Retracing my steps toward the men, axe gripped tightly, I found relief in the absence of Haestan's remaining lackeys, likely drawn away by the commotion.

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