Chapter 1 // Justice (or not)

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Prince Grian was getting ready in his room, he wore red and white clothes and was trying to put on his also red veil, but he was having trouble attaching the small chains to ensure that it wouldn't fall off.

Scar, Grian's personal knight, went into the room and noticed Grian's trouble with the small accessory that the prince hated with all his heart. Scar approached him from behind and helped him secure the veil, when he finished, he slowly lowered his hands to Grian's shoulders and whispered in his ear "I'll make sure that you will stop having to wear that stupid veil"

Grian smiled, the veil only meant that he was royalty and not married, he hated wearing it because it meant that he would marry someone that wasn't able to see who he was. Scar's promise meant that he wanted to be with him, to marry him, even if it meant that they would have to wait until the actual king, Neom, died, if he hadn't married Grian to someone before.

Grian turned around, facing his partner, the one he loved but couldn't show to anyone due to their social difference. Scar moved his hands to Grian's cheeks, seeing them disappear into the piece of fabric.

"I love you" Whispered Grian, they always spoke in a hushed tone to ensure that no one could hear them, they had learnt their lesson the day Pearl, Grian's sister, heard them. She thankfully promised to keep it a secret and Neom didn't find out, but it was still a warning that anyone could have heard them.

Grian left the room with Scar right next to him after that, they needed to go to Neom's office since he needed to tell his son something.

They made their way through the lightly decorated corridors, Grian didn't even bother to look through the wide windows, covered by white curtains decorated with silver and purple symbols. Grian saw them every day and didn't really see a use in looking at the views he saw every day.

They finally arrived at the office and went inside, Scar had to stay outside of the room since this was a private matter and the king only allowed family for these. Grian considered Scar family, but he couldn't say that or he'd raise suspicion and could only end up getting in trouble.

"Sit down, son" Commanded Neom, Grian did as he was told and took a seat right in front of his father's desk, it was slightly messy, but tidy enough to be able to see his father behind all the mess. This was one of the things that annoyed Grian about his father, the fact that he always had his workspace a total mess but Grian's had to be perfect or he would get mad.

Grian hid how he felt about that and finally talked, "What did you want to talk to me about, father?". Neom smiled and finally revealed it, "I will need you to join me for another court session this afternoon". Those words made a chill run down Grian's spine, he knew what that meant and he didn't like it one bit, it was a cruel and not fair at all way to make justice in their kingdom.

Neom had changed the traditional way of judging accused people, instead of looking for clues and proof, etcetera, he would put the accused person in the "court", a room with two doors, behind one was a hungry lion that would kill the person, and behind the other door, was a person chosen to marry the accused. The person would choose one of the doors and chance would tell if he was guilty or not. Now, if the person chose the door with the other person behind it, they would be forced to marry without any exceptions.

Grian had always wondered why his father had made up that system and knew that, once he became the king, he would go back to the traditional and fair way, but he still had to wait until his father passed, and it didn't seem as if that was going to happen any time soon.

Grian took a deep breath and answered, "Alright, father, what time will it be at?"Grian was looking to the floor, even though his father didn't notice because of the veil. "At five, this evening. Don't be late, Grian. You don't want to disappoint the viewers"

"I won't, father. I am not going to disappoint you", Grian bowed down and left the room. Scar could tell that something was wrong only by seeing Grian's body language. "What's wrong?" He asked as he walked with him, heading to Grian's room. The crowned prince let out a sigh and replied, "There's a new court session this evening...", his voice was hushed and a bit upset, but he was still walking with his back straight and looking to the front. Scar looked at Grian with disbelief, "Again? There's already been like twelve this month, and it's not even the middle of the month!"

"I know, could we talk of something else now? I don't really want to have that stuck in my head at the moment", Grian mumbled. Scar immediately apologized and changed the subject.

Once they got back to Grian's room, Scar cuddled with him to try and cheer his partner up. Deciding to spend the rest of their day like that.

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