Chapter 5 // Sneaking in

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The next day, Jimmy had gotten ready and already packed his stuff. He and Scott were at the entrance of the palace, ready to bid each other.

"I'll miss you, my love" Said Scott as he hugged his husband, "be safe..."

"I will, dear" Jimmy kissed Scott lovingly for a few seconds before finally going to get on the horse that would bring him to his home land along with his most trusted knights.

The knights were Martyn and Tango, Jimmy's two lifelong friends that had been with him since he remembered.

They started their journey, making their way through the dirt paths while cracking some jokes and talking about everything and anything as they always did.

Tango couldn't help but remember all those days before Jimmy got married to Scott, when they had been in love, they reached the point where they had almost become partners.

Even after all of that, he couldn't bring himself to dislike Scott. He made Jimmy happy and had become what he wished Tango could be: the one that would protect Jimmy and be next to him every day of his life.

~ · ~

Grian was sitting in his room, reading a book, or at least trying to. Scar was outside his door, making sure that no one would hurt Grian, or try to at least.

They hadn't really talked in the last two days, Grian knew that Scar didn't want to talk to him, and he certainly didn't want to make things worse.

The prince closed his book, he hadn't been able to read anyway, only browsing through the pages without actually looking at the words.

The door started to open, Grian got his hopes up, thinking that maybe Scar actually wanted to talk to him and clear things up, but it actually was his sister.

"Hey..." He greeted softly

"Hello," She shifted on her feet, "So, Jimmy will be coming here in a few hours, but we'll have to sneak him in so that our father doesn't see him"

"Yeah, that's fair" He smiled faintly at his sister.

She could tell that he was hurt because of his situation with Scar, so she decided to do something about it.

She went out of his brother's room and cautiously pushed Scar in. The knight tried to get out again but the princess had locked the door.

"Hey, uhm, I'm sorry..." Begun Grian.

Scar turned around to face him, his heart aching at the sight of the man that was supposed to love him until the end of time, no matter what happened.

He felt lied to, he knew that their relationship was impossible, forbidden even. But he never expected that Grian didn't actually love him and used him to fill in his desires.

"You are sorry..." Repeated Scar, "yet that doesn't change the fact that you made me think that you loved me"

"I do love you..." Whispered Grian.

"That's not what you told you father, in a panic, may I add"

"I said that to protect you," Grian whispered again.

"Protect me from what? I'm a knight, Grian" Scar's voice was desperate and hurt.

"From my father! I didn't want him to execute you or something!" Tears threatened to spill from Grian's eyes as he explained that, "I didn't want him to hurt you or kill you or- or- I don't know! I didn't want to lose you..."

Scar was left speechless for a few seconds until he spoke in a softer voice, "You... you do love me..."

Grian hugged Scar tightly, "Never doubt my love for you, I may be cold and not show it much, but you are the person I love the most in the whole world"

Scar's heart warmed at those words as he wrapped his arms around the prince, his prince, the one who he would protect forever, no matter what.

~ · ~

Tango, Martyn and Jimmy had been making their way through the paths for the whole morning. They had only a few minutes left and they would be in the spot they had accorded with Pearl and Grian.

What they didn't expect was a group of bandits to appear in front of them. They had swords and daggers in their hands and also wore armour.

Tango and Martyn instantly got in front of Jimmy to protect him.

"Well, well, well... What do we have here?" Said one of the bandits, presumably some sort of leader.

"Isn't that the youngest prince of the Hermitopian kingdom?" Asked one of the other bandits, who got an affirmative response from another one.

Tango and Martyn both hand their hands on their sheathed swords in full alert. They didn't know what the bandits wanted, but they wouldn't let them hurt Jimmy under any circumstances.

Then, the first bandit that spoke went forward, aiming for Tango.

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