Chapter 4 // Gladly

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That evening, Grian had made his way to Lapis' house, he wasn't wearing his veil, so that no one could recognise him.

He found her resting on her porch, reading a book. She was average height and had cool brown skin, her hair was short and slightly messy.

He made his way to her and greeted her, "Hello, you must be Lapis, right?"

She looked up from her book, placing a bookmark on the page and closing it. "Yes, that's me. Who are you?" She looked alert and suspicious about him.

Grian took out the veil from his pocket and showed it to her, her eyes widened "Prince...?" She asked in utter disbelief.

"That's me" Replied Grian. "I believe you already know about the events that will take place next week with my personal knight?"

"Yes, I will be put behind the door of innocence" She said with a slight hint of bitterness in her voice.

"Yes, I wanted to talk to you about that"

She sighed and nodded, Grian kept talking, "So, I wanted to ask you a favour, you don't need to agree to it because I'm part of the royal family. But, I was wondering if you wanted to give up your place there"

Lapis looked startled, "Yes, I don't really know him so I didn't want to be there in the first place. I'm curious though, who would be taking my place?"

Grian debated on whether he should tell her or not, and decided to not do it, he didn't want to ruin the plan he and his siblings had going on, "You will find out" he replied, "It's confidential information"


Jimmy was in a cosy resting space in Rivendell, his husband's kingdom, drinking from a cup of hot cocoa. The palace was very different from the one he had lived in throughout his life, instead of it being decorated with warm coulours, browns and reds, for example. It was all in white and blue.

His husband, Scott, knocked on the door of the room, Jimmy let him in, leaving the cup on a small table beside him.

"You got a letter, dear" Announced Scott, Jimmy smiled and blushed at the pet name.

Their marriage had been arranged to bring peace between the two kingdoms, but after a few months of living together they fell in love and started a relationship.

"Oh, who is it from?" Asked Jimmy as he took the letter from his husband's hands, "My sister? I didn't expect that..." He mumbled, taking his cup of hot chocolate and starting to drink again.

He opened the letter:

"Greetings brother,

I recently found out that our brother and his knight, Scar, have been in a relationship in secret for a few months now, they make a really good couple.

We encountered a problem though, last night our father entered Grian's room while they were,.. well, doing inappropriate stuff, and our dear brother decided that lying and telling father that he didn't actually love Scar was a good idea.

Now, Scar is going to be judged and he and Grian fell apart, so we need your help: We thought of putting Grian behind the door of innocence and disguising you as him.

Please, help us out brother. We don't have much time.

Thank you,

Pearl Xelqua-Moon"

Jimmy choked on his drink and Scott got concerned and dashed over to him, taking the cup from Jimmy's hand and asking if he was alright.

Jimmy put the letter down and explained to Scott what was going on.

"You're telling me that your father is a psychopath that enjoys putting people in some sort of chance game of life or death?" Asked Scott in confusion.

"If you put it like that..." Jimmy trailed off, "what matters here is that my brother is about to lose his lover, and I can't have that."

"Yes, you're right. Do you want to go alone or do you want me to go with you?"

Jimmy thought about it for a moment, his expression turning a bit darker, "I'd rather have you staying here, the roads to get there are dangerous..."

Scott realised that Jimmy had gotten upset, so he kneeled down in front of him and took his hand, "Is something the matter, love?"

Jimmy sighed as he debated whether he should explain why he didn't want Scott to go with him or not. He knew that Scott would respect his decision if he decided to not tell him, but he felt like Scott deserved to know. "A few years back my mother had to travel through those paths, it didn't end well for her, she encountered some wild animals that ended her life... I don't want you to meet the same end or something similar, I wouldn't forgive myself..."

Scott sighed, seeing his husband in pain pained him too. He squeezed Jimmy's hand for a brief moment, trying to reassure his husband. "I'm so sorry about your mother, I'm sure you loved her a lot, she's watching over you, and I know that she's proud of how far you've come."

Jimmy smiled at him, "Thank you, my love"

"I won't go with you if you don't want me to,just be safe please."

"I will, I promise" Said Jimmy, in a reassuring tone.

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