When You Pay A Tribute To Akira Toriyama

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(A/N: Rest in peace Akira Toriyama. You are a legend who have made so many people interested in anime and manga. To honor this amazing legend, I am doing a tribute chapter to honor Akira Toriyama and his legacy. Some of the chapters will have a candlelight vigil, some will do cosplaying of certain characters, and some will do cooking of the foods from the Dragon Ball series. Thank you, Akira Toriyama, for being a wonderful part in so many people's childhoods and for making this amazing Dragon Ball series. You will be absolutely missed by so many fans.)

Billy Loomis:

Today, you were on YouTube watching a DBZ video, when a new video came out about that the creator of DBZ Akira Toriyama had sadly passed away. You broke down in tears and went to your daddy for comfort.

"Daddy! He's gone." You said

Your daddy was confused about who you were talking about, but as his phone showed the notification that that creator of DBZ has passed away. His heart breaks and begin to comfort you.

"Oh Y/N. I know it hurts but his legacy will live on in his works." Billy said

"C-can we watch DBZ?" You asked

"Of course we can." Billy said

You both begin to watch Dragon Ball Z together to honor the legendary creator.

Stu Macher:

Tonight was movie night and you and your daddy were busy making gummy dragon balls, while your uncle Billy was getting the movies, which were DBZ themed because you all have heard the news that the creator of Dragon Ball Akira Toriyama have passed away. Once everything was made, your daddy had a surprise for you, which was DBZ pjs. You got them on just as your uncle Billy came in and watched DBZ: The Tree of Might movie.

"I hope Akira is in peace daddy and uncle." You said

"We all do. He will never be forgotten." Stu said

You all hope that Akira Toriyama have rest in peace.

Aka Manto:

You are now outside with your daddy to honor the Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama with a lantern festival with the other Japanese urban legends. When you found out that Akira passed away, your heart breaks as your dad comforted you and tell you that you are going to do a lantern festival with the other Japanese Urban Legends. You held the lantern that is glowing orange with the symbol of the Dragon ball as Tenome, Teke-Teke, Hachishakusama, Yuki-Onna and Nure-Onna as Aka Manto nodded.

"Let's release the lanterns." Aka Manto said

You all released the lanterns and you all hope that Akira Toriyama will never be forgotten.


"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" You said

You have heard the news about Akira Toriyama's passing from your friend Natasha as you felt devastated since you have watched Dragon Ball GT with your friends and even did some impressions of the GT characters.

"We are going to honor this creator with a candlelight vigil." Natasha said

"Ok. Be right there." You said

You begin to feel sad as Yig came and dress you up with a Dragon Ball GT shirt he got for you. You went to the location as Natasha gave you a candle which have a Dragon Ball symbol as your dad light it up before you all held a moment of silence. Once the moment of silence is done, you keep the candle as you all hope that Akira Toriyama will never be forgotten.


You are now with your friends having a candlelight vigil to honor Akira Toriyama as you all love reading the comics of Dragon Ball as you light up the candles as Wilbur placed a picture of Akira Toriyama as you all begin to held a moment of silence. Once the moment of silence is done, Clara along with Hunter blew out the candles.

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