Their First Night With You

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Billy Loomis:

As Billy arrived at the home after getting the baby items, Stu went over to the baby and make silly faces as you giggled as he smiled at you.

"Stu, this is my whittle girl Y/N. Y/N, this is your uncle Stu." Billy said

You look at Stu as he held you gently as you cooed more as Billy begin to get the baby formula for your bottle. As Billy came back, he begin to feed you as you suck on the bottle slowly.

"You are one hungry baby are you?" Billy cooed

Once you are all fed and burped, Billy then change your diaper and put on warm pajamas as he then begin to bring you to the bassinet and was about to place you in but you whined as you don't want to be alone.

"Oh ok. You can sleep with me." Billy chuckled

Billy then pick you up and begin to bring you to his bedroom as he then lay you on his chest as you slowly nuzzled into his chest before falling asleep.

Stu Macher:

Once your daddy brought you home, his roommate and best friend, Billy Loomis  saw that Stu had brought home a baby girl with him.

"Is the baby girl from one your one-night stands, Stu?" Billy asked

"For your information, Billy. This little girl was abandoned and I'm her new daddy, which means you're her uncle." Stu said

Billy spit out his beer which made you laugh cutely at him.

"Well the kid is cute and I could use her to help me get Sidney Prescott to be my new victim." Billy chuckled

You yawned as you felt a tiny bit tired.

"Someone's sleepy. Let's get you to bed." Stu cooed

Hey earth to Stu.  We don't own no baby items." Billy said

"Well guess who's babysitting until I get back." Stu said

Your uncle Billy sighed but took the babysitting option. As Stu left to get the baby items, Billy begin to babysit you by making some silly faces as you giggled with a smile. As Stu came back with a bunch if baby items, he begin to first feed you before burping and then bathing you. You cooed as Stu then dried your body, lotion up your body and then placing a fresh clean diaper and warm pajamas before bringing you to the bassinet and place you in there as you fall right to sleep.

Aka Manto:

As Aka Manto arrived at the 'home', you whined as you are hungry as Aka Manto have started to make the bottle as he begin to check to make sure the bottle is at the right temperature. Once it is ready, he begin to feed you as you sucked on the bottle greedily as Aka Manto pulled away as you whimpered.

"Shh Y/N, I don't want to see you sicky-icky." Aka Manto cooed

You giggled as the way your dad talked as you begin to drink the bottle but this time slowly. Once you are all fed and burped, Aka Manto then begin to bathe you as you make playful splashes in the tub as he gently washed your body. Once you are all cleaned and dried with a new diaper, he then place some warm pajamas on your body as you yawned.

"Time for beddie-bye." Aka Manto cooed

Aka Manto then place you in a small bassinet he made as he place you in before kissing your forehead.

"Sweet dreams my whittle girl." Aka Manto smiled

You slowly fall asleep as Aka Manto went to do some guard duty to make sure no one will hurt you.


You are an easy baby to take care of as your dad begin to use the supplies he got as he begin to feed you with a bottle as you drink it slowly.

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