When You Have A Crush

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Billy Loomis:

Today, you were watching Twilight: New Moon, where you started to crush on one of the main wolf characters, Jacob Black, who was played by Taylor Lautner. You started to blush a tiny bit as you love Taylor Lautner on some movies he played. Your dad came over as he begin to look at you.

"Y/N, are you having a crush on Taylor Lautner?" Billy asked

"He's so hot." You said

"You know you shouldn't be having a boyfriend." Billy said

You let out a little pout as Billy chuckled and kiss your cheek as you giggled as your dad doesn't want you to have a crush on anyone since you are too young.

Stu Macher:

Today, you were watching The Dark Knight, when the Joker came on, you looked up the actor who happens to be Heath Ledger and when you saw his picture, you begin to cover your mouth and squeal a bit before blushing as Stu came over and look at you.

"Are you having a crush on Heath Ledger?" Stu chuckled

"He's hot." You said

"You know you are not having boyfriends at this age." Stu chuckled

You let out a playful pout as Stu kissed your cheek as you giggled as your dad doesn't want you to be crushing on boys since you are too young to date.

Aka Manto:

You are now playing jump rope as a girl came over to you as the girl who is around 9 years old with black hair and amber eyes wearing a nice Hello Kitty shirt with nice jeans and some sneakers as she came over to you.

"Hello. What's your name?" You asked

"My name is Suzanne Kuroneko. What's your name?" Suzanne asked

"My name is Y/N." You smiled

"May I play jump rope with you?" Suzanne asked

"Sure!" You smiled

You begin to play jump rope with Suzanne as your dad came back and see you playing with Suzanne as you started to blush at her.

"So Y/N, I have to go before my mom gets worried." Suzanne smiled

"Nice meeting you." You smiled

As Suzanne leaves, your dad came over and kiss your forehead gently.

"Are you crushing on Suzanne?" Aka Manto asked

"Yeah. She is pretty." You said

"You are way too young for girls and boys." Aka Manto said

You made a cute pout as your dad begin to chuckle at you as he doesn't want you to have a crush on anyone.


You are now with your friends Katrina, Natasha and Selena to play at the arcade to have a little fun time as you giggled and play Skee-Ball with Katrina while Natasha and Selena play a spooky horror game.

"I'm going to beat you!" Katrina grinned

"You wish servant of Cthulhu." You giggled

You continue to play as you win the game as you got the tickets before doing a silly dance as Katrina giggled.

"How did you beat me?" Katrina asked

"Simple, I focused." You smirked

After a nice time at the arcade, you all have lunch as you eat some chicken tenders with fries while Katrina have a slice of pizza and Natasha and Selena are both having fish and chips.

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