When You Have to Heal: Day 3

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Sam Uley:

You and your brother are both slowly healing since it is Day number 3 which means you both are now carefully sitting up even though you both still have the bandages. Seth have come with some soup which minestrone as your mom begin to feed you as your uncle Jared feed your brother. Once you are both fed, the principal came along with Brittany as you both smiled at Mr. Alexander.

"Mr. Alexander and Brittany. Glad to see you." You smiled

"Hello sir and Brittany." Your brother said

Brittany gave you both the homework as you and your brother both carefully answered each question before giving it back to her as Mr. Alexander took it and place it in the folders for the teachers to grade them before smiling at the both of you.

"I see that you are both having a little progress." Mr. Alexander smiled

"Yes we are feeling a little better." You said

"That's great. Can you hold your guitars now?" Brittany asked

"Well not really. We are gaining some progress." Your brother said

"As long as you both are ok." Mr. Alexander said

"Thank you sir." You and your brother said

After the visiting is done, Jared came inside and begin to smile as you and your brother both look at him.

"Is something wrong Uncle Jared?" You asked

"I'm just making sure you both aren't sitting so long." Jared said

"I understand that Uncle Jared." Your brother said

As your mom and dad came, Sam came over and gently lay you both back down as you both giggle a bit.

"Don't sit up too long." Sam said

"If you do sit up too long, you will both slouch which will make your ribs shift a bit." Emily said

You both nodded and begin to smile a bit. As nighttime came, Seth along with your dad have given a sponge bath while your mom along with Jared help you along with your brother with putting the pajamas before they both are in the bed.

"Sleep tight you two." Emily smiled

"Night mom and dad." You and your brother said

You along with your brother both fall asleep as your uncles went to do patrol along with your dad as your mom sleeps in her room.

Jared Cameron:

Today is day number 3 as you along with your brother A/B/N are both slowly sitting up with some help from your mom along with your uncle Quil Ateara V as your dad gave you both some soup which is some corn chowder as Mr. Anoki came with a warm smile with homework as you both smiled to see your very own dance teacher.

"Hey Mr. Anoki." You and your brother A/B/N smiled

"How are you my two students? I see you both are sitting up." Mr. Anoki smiled

"Yeah we are gaining a little progress." Your brother A/B/N said

"Yeah we are feeling alright." You said

"I'm glad. I got some paper homework from your other teachers." Mr. Anoki sais

You and your brother both nodded as you both begin to answer each question down while Sam came and smiled at Mr. Anoki.

"Mr. Anoki." Sam said

"Alpha Uley."Mr. Anoki said

"So I saw some dance moves on your brother Y/B/N with Nicole and they both did pretty well. I gave them feedback." Mr. Anoki said

"What's the grade?" Jared asked

"They both get an A minus which is very good." Mr. Anoki said

"That's great news." Jacob said

"Now I just needed you two but since you are both too injured, I will give you both an extra day." Mr. Anoki said

"Thank you for that." Jared said

"Yeah otherwise they will try to dance which will end up bad." Sam said

After when the homework is done, Mr. Anoki place them in the folders before telling you both to get well before leaving as you along with your brother both feel a bit calmer. As nighttime came, you and your brother are both having a sponge bath as Jacob took his time bathing you gently along with Sam which made you both feel comfortable. Once you are both finished, your dad helped you both placing in your pajamas before Sam carefully lay you both down.

"Sleep tight you two." Jared said

"Night." Your brother A/B/N said

"Goodnight dad." You said

You and your brother both fall asleep as Jared along with Jacob and Sam went on patrol as you both continue to sleep into dreamland.

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