When The Vampires Heal You

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(A/N: This is after the battle and it will be with you or your sibling being healed. I am adding the vampires from the 30 Days of Night and the Lost Boys and they will heal you. It will be emotional so prepare for the tearjerker. Enjoy the chapter!)

Sam Uley:

You and your brother are both back home in your dad's house, wincing in a lot of pain because you both have saved your friend Amanda and your very own principal Mr. Alexander from being crushed to death which surprised not only Mr. Bernard but also your principal as well since he have never seen you did anything heroic like that. You both are in your room wincing in pain as Archibald came along with Daeron before closing the door.

"Well you two, I got good news and bad news. The good news is your ribs are healed." Daeron said

"Really?" Your brother asked while wincing

"Yeah but the bad news is it is in a very bad shape and out of place." Archibald said

"Ahh... it hurts." You said

"Well... what's the good news?" Your brother asked

"Well the half good news... we have to rebreak your bones. It's the only way for your ribs to heal properly." Daeron said

You and your brother both groaned in agony as Daeron went over to you as Archibald went over to your brother.

"You both are going to feel a lot pain." Archibald warned

"Plus you two are going to scream and it is going to be for a while." Daeron warned

You both whimpered as Archibald and Daeron cracked their knuckles before coming over to the both of you. Meanwhile, outside of the house, Sam is with Emily and the rest of your family as Samuel, Sandra and Jacobson came over by running as the three noticed your family as Mr. Alexander came along with Mr. Bernard, Butch, Brittany and Amanda.

"Hey." Sandra said

Just then screams came from both you and your brother as Emily teared up as Sam rubbed her back as he felt very tensed.

"It's going to be for a while." Brady said

"They are caring them by re-breaking their bones." Quil Ateara V said

"Why did my two Alphas should've butt in like that? We got those ticks down!" Amanda said

"Amanda relax." Mr. Bernard said sternly

"No! This wouldn't have happened if Y/N and Y/B/N didn't join this fight!" Amanda shouted

Amanda walked away in sadness with tears as Brittany looked at Emily and came over to her and gently hugged her.

"Is she going to be ok?" Sandra asked

"She will pull through. She's a tough cookie like Sam is." Collin said

"What about Y/B/N?" Jacobson asked

"He'll pull through. They are taking care of them." Embry said

Daeron and Archibald both got out of the house as they look at Sam, Emily and the rest of your family.

"The worst is over. They will be alright." Archibald said

"We both have set up morphine in their bodies to ease the pain but due to their body temperature, it will not take effect." Daeron said

"So my partner and I set up a drip for them." Archibald said

"If any of you want to see them, go one or two at a time. Don't go all at once." Daeron said

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