Season 1 - Part 5

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She reached into her bag and pulled out a ziploc bag filled with puzzle pieces. "It's puzzle time!" She said, then poured the bag out onto the floor, and began solving the puzzle.

"This looks a bit difficult." I said, unsure where to start. "It's easy, Cry," said mom, "I'll help you along the way." So that's exactly what she did. We built the puzzle, piece by piece, until we saw the picture. It was of puppies laying in a basket together.

I love puppies so much. Especially mine called 'Peanut'! I love him with my whole heart!

Mom then put the puzzle away. "There's other sick activities we can do!" She went into our walk-in closet full of board games and other indoor activities.

"Maybe we can make some brownies together!" Mom said, hoping I'm up for it. I nodded and we headed to the kitchen. Mom got out all of the ingredients and started to put them together.

There was a knock on the door. 'I wonder who that could be' I thought to myself. Mom answered the door while I was mixing the batter together.

"We're here for Crybaby, Ma'am," an unfamiliar voice said. I looked over very confused. A tall guy, wearing all green, and a mask chased after me. I was scared and refused to go with him.

"Ma'am, this is for your own good!" He said, yelling at me for refusing to go with him. "Please, let me go! I don't know you!" I yelled back, which wasn't a good idea. He bonked me, in the head, with the back of his gun. I fainted.

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