Season 2 Part 2 - Episode 8

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Jerma grabbed his sword and stabbed Brendan, not once, not twice, but five times. He was gone. Jerma went back to Crybaby and Pastelgothmonster and they all flew away. No more breaks at the park for them. On to the next..

Suddenly, a rock hits jerma in the face and he falls from the sky. He hits the ground, making a loud slap noise. Crybaby and Pastelgothmonster rush to him, and he's somehow still alive.

"Who threw that!?" Jerma yells. He stands up and another rock hits him in the face. He falls to the ground again, unconscious.

"Oh no!" Pastelgothmonster says. She sniffs the air, recognizing dreams scent. "He's back again."

"Dream!?" Crybaby gets nervous. "But jerma is unconscious, how are we going to fight him?"

"CRYBABY!!!!" dreams voice yells from the sky. Apparently he can fly now?? "THAT'S RIGHT, CRYBABY! I'VE BEEN TRAINING AND IM FINALLY STRONG ENOUGH TO TAKE YOU BACK."

Crybaby honestly kind of enjoys dream trying to kidnap her, so she just stands there while he flys over and grabs her.

"No! Don't take her!" Pastelgothmonster says, running over and biting dream on the hand.

"OW!!!!" Dream cries, letting go of crybaby to hold his hurt hand. "Ouch owie :(((" dream begins to cry.

"Leave her alone!" Pastelgothmonster says, grabbing Crybaby and starting to fly away. But dream starts flying again too and follows them. "Don't worry Crybaby, I have a plan." Pastelgothmonster says. She leads dream to an old abandoned pizzeria.

"Give me back my little agere baby!!!" Dream says, following them into the pizzeria. "And apologize for hurting my hand!!!!"

"Hide here" pastelgothmonster says to Crybaby, placing her behind a stage curtain. "I'm gonna go fight dream."

"Thank you pastelgothmonster, you're my hero!!" Crybaby says. Pastelgothmonster leaves her behind the curtain and finds dream.

"Say you're sorry right now!!" Dream says. He points to the bite marks on his hand. "This hurts really bad!! Also give me back crybaby!!!"

"No! >:P" Pastelgothmonster says, and she kicks dream's ankles.

"Hey I found you guys!" Jerma says as he walks into the pizzeria. "This place is abandoned, why are you here?"

"Jerma, help me fight dream!" Pastelgothmonster says, kicking dreams ankles again.

"But Where's my little agere princess baby angel ?????" Jerma asks looking around for Crybaby. "Did you lose her? Did she get kidnapped by someone else??"

"Don't worry, just help me!!" Pastelgothmonster kicks dream again, but he dodges this time!! And he kicks her on the head, knocking her out.

"Haha L!!" Dream claps proudly, but them Jerma comes over.

"I'm gonna kill you and it's gonna be jer-mazing" he says, then he picks up dream and puts him in a animatronic suit. It looks like a green or yellow bunny and it's really gross and old looking.

"No!! This is really gross and old looking!!" Dream yells out as he's stuffed into the bunny suit.

"Get over it >:P" jerma says, finishing shoving dream into the suit. He takes a step back and the Springlock system inside the animatronic suit snaps into place, and starts crushing dream inside of it.

Dream says "ouch!! Owie ow!! This hurts and also how dare you!!! Jerma you're so mean!! I'm gonna get you for this!!! I've have my REVENGE!!!! I'LL BE BACK!!!!" and then dream gets crushed to death and dies.

Crybaby runs out from behind the curtain. "Wow jerma you saved me!! You really are jerm-tastic!!!" She says and then kisses him on the cheek. "And that was the last of my evil exes, so now we can live happily ever after!!!"

"That's so poggers, my little agere princess!" Jerma says. Then he picks up crybaby and picks up Pastelgothmonster's still unconscious body, and he flies out of the pizzeria with both of them, and they live happy ever after. UNLESS THEYY DON'T!!! :O

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