Season 2 - Part 3

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I have been here for days now. Definitely over a week. Dream has been leaving on the week days. I think he's been going to my school, pretending to be me. He keeps wearing a split dyed wig that matches my hair. I also saw a dress sticking out of his bag that looked exactly like my school uniform.

Last night, Dream asked me if I wanted a concert. I was unsure what he meant, so I nodded.

He ended up singing "demons" by Imagine Dragons on repeat for three hours straight.

After his "concert," he made me dinner. I got to eat in the kitchen with him, where he asked me if I was an Imagine Dragons fan yet.

I was a bit afraid to say no, despite that being the truth, so I lied.

He just smiled, then kept eating.

Now, it's the next morning. I don't think Dream is awake yet, but I'm pretty certain today is a school day, so he should be getting up to pretend to be me soon.

- Time Skip -

"Crybaby~" Dream sang excitedly from behind the door. "Good morning!"

Dream opened the door, moving into the room. He isn't dressed like me today? Is it the weekend already?

"I have a surprise for you!" He cheered, walking forwards and sitting next to me on the mattress.

"What is it?" I ask, carefully nudging the papers I had been writing on behind me.

"You get to go to school today!" Dream said. He gave a small round of applause, then quickly dropped his hands to his lap.

"What?" I asked. "Why?"

"Because you've been fixed!" Dream assured. "My mission is complete now. I don't need to keep you here anymore."

"Oh.." I started. Is this why he was smiling during dinner last night? Because I said I was an Imagine Dragons fan now?

"Hurry up! Pack your things!" Dream stood up, hurrying to grab me a bag from across the room. "You can't be late on your first day back to school."

I was excited to be leaving, but also confused about the entire situation. My instincts were telling me to keep my excitement to myself, even though Dream seemed very happy to be letting me go.

I quickly grabbed the few things I had around me. The loose papers I had been writing on and the awful, neon green hoodie Dream had given me on my first night here.

"Here's your uniform and phone." Dream said, handing a bag to me.

I quickly threw the papers and green hoodie into the bag, before Dream walked me to the front door.

"Goodbye, Crybaby." He said, patting me on the head. I've gotten used to the head pats at this point. "You better keep your grades up. I got you a B in English."

- Time Skip -

"Crybaby!" A familiar voice yelled from down the school hallway. I turned to see Marina. "Where's your uniform?"

"Bag." I replied, quickly lifting up the bag Dream had given me.

"Why aren't you wearing it?" Marina asked.

"I didn't have time to change." I said, not knowing if I should explain why. Did Marina buy Dream in a wig as me? Did she ever know I was gone?

"Well, hurry up and get to the bathroom. If you aren't in your uniform, you're gonna get in trouble." Marina insisted. She grabbed my arm and started walking towards the bathrooms.

I got into a stall and started changing into my uniform, when the overhead speakers went off.

"Crybaby to the main office. Bring your belongings with you."

"See!" Marina started. "You already got dress coded!"

I finished up putting on my uniform, shoving my old clothes into the same bag. I got out of the stall, turning to face Marina. "Nobody even saw me before you did though? How would I have gotten dress coded?"

"The school staff has a sixth sense for dress coding girls." Marina said. It sounds like a joke, but I can tell from her face that she believes what she was saying.

- Time Skip -

"Take a seat, Crybaby." Said the school's principal. I never did learn their name.

I dropped down immediately to sit on the floor.

"I meant in the chair, but that's fine too." Said the principal. "Now, Crybaby, I called you down here because I have some strange news."

"I thought I was being dress coded?" I questioned.

"Why would I do that?" Asked the principal. "You're wearing your uniform."

"Yeah! And I definitely was this entire time." I said. Marina was WRONG. School staff do NOT have a sixth sense for dress coding girls. "Wait, why am I here then?"

"Crybaby, your mother called us this morning." The principal started.

Oh no, Dream never went to my house! My mom definitely noticed I was gone! She was probably so worried about me. But I was gone for so long, why didn't she contact the school sooner?

"Does she miss me?" I asked.

"Crybaby, your mother has informed us that you haven't come home in over a week. She told us she is "tired of your outburst" and, to ensure she doesn't have to tolerate you any longer, has decided to re-home you." The principal paused for a second, looking at a piece of paper on his desk. "Pardon me, her words were "sell you," not "re-home you". Your mother told me she sold you and gave me a number to call."

"What? Who did she sell me to?" I asked. My mother has no friends. How did she find anyone to sell me to?

"Ahem." The principal's eyes moved past me. "Gentlemen?" He said. Suddenly, I heard movement behind me.

"Hey, girlie!" A voice said, approaching me.

"Welcome to the 1D family!" Said another.

Hesitantly, I turned around. There were five grown men standing behind me. How long have they all been there? Why did they buy me? How much did they even buy me for?

"Who are you guys?" I asked, standing up from my seat and turning to face the men.

"Hello, deary!" A man spoke. "My name is Harry, but you can call me "Daddy Number One."

"I wanna be Daddy Number One!" Another man whined from beside him.

"Shush, Liam!" Said Harry. "You've already been assigned Daddy Number Three! We've been over this!"

The man, Liam, began to pout, while Harry turned back towards me. "Welcome to the family!"

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